We're heading back home from today: Constanta was the mid point for this trip, and today we left it heading towards Piatra Neamt. We followed the SatNav for a while until we realised it's going to take us via a route that would involve a ferry... We decided to take the ferry, instead of turning around 60 odd km on ourselfs-after all it is an adventure and we will be trying all means of transport we can use...We got to Galati and passing great Danube Delta scenery we headed towards Piatra. Thing is to go from Galati to Piatra Neamt you nead to go past Sascut, the place I grew up in. We had to stop... I guided Doug through the streets towards the old house: so many things have changed, those roads just seem so small and tiny, nothing like I remember them. We stopped at the house and I took a few pictures, didn't have the courage to go in I have no idea who lives there now... After that emotional encounter we stopped fot a break at a bar I dont't remember being there when I left. Was sitting outside with Doug and I recognised a few faces, I wonder if anyone recognised me... We left Sacut and got to the hotel in Piatra Neamt, hotel is ok but the service at the hotel's restaurant not so good. After I finaly managed to get something to eat and eventually the bill I headed to bed, it's been a long emotional day...
De azi ne indreptam spre casa: Constanta era punctul de mijloc al excursiei si azi ne indreptam spre Piatra Neamt. Am urmarit navigatorul pana am ajuns la concluzia ca ne duce pe o ruta cu un BAC. Ne-am hotarat sa mergem inainte, in loc sa ne intoarcem 60 de km din drum. In final e o aventura si incercam toate mijloacele de transport pe care le putem folosi. Am ajuns la Galati, si dupa un peisaj de neuitat peste Dunare, ne-am indreptat spre Piatra. Problema e ca de la Galati la Piatra trebuie sa trecem prin Sascut, locul unde am crescut, asa ca a trebuit sa ne oprim. L-amghidat pe Doug pe strazile inspre casa si mi s-au parut mici si inguste...Am facut niste poze si pe urma ne-am oprit la un bar pe care nu mi-l amintesc pentru o sticla de apa. Stand pe terasa cu Doug am recunoscut cateva fete, ma intreb daca pe mine m-a recunoscut cineva...
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