Travel day
Up at 9 am and made our way to the Victoria coach station where we had tickets for a 11:30am bus trip to gatwick airport. We got lost once again and what should of been a 15 minute walk turned into 30 minutes because Victoria station and Victoria coach station are two different buildings. But we found it and even managed to exchange our 1130 tickets to 11am tickets
Like our arrival trip what is supposed to be a 1 hr trip took 2 1/2 hrs due to construction and traffic jams. Anyway got our tickets checked in and made our way to gate 33. Strangely enough the gates ended at 28. So back we walk down a different wing (I gotta keep my head up more) and our plane was boarding. Nice 3 hr 30 minutes flight and land in santorini with customs not saying or asking anything beyond being handed our passport scanning and stamping it then handing it back
Picked up luggage and met Phillip who was sent by our airbnb host to pick us up for 20 euros. He drove us up and down and around then we stopped and met our hosts friend Mandy. Mandy walked us to our castle which is literally a castle made of stone. The doors are quad doors measuring 5'10" tall by 30" wide when fully swung open. Our balcony door is 4' tall by 20 inches wide. Dom is in her glory actually having to bend down to go through the door. Crazy view looking overtop of the bay etc. Mandy spent 60 minutes talking about where to go etc. Very nice lady with a great sense of humour. She won't let me rent a quad as she says way to dangerous as tourists are hurt everyday on them. She is renting us a car for 3 days which comes to 35 euros a day.
Anyway it is dark and time for dodos
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Lorine Found you. Can't wait to read the next entry.