Well my Cahuita trip is almost over, this last week has just been an absolute nightmare, i cant go into any details but it did involve some legal threats and several volunteers being thrown off the programme and lots of people falling out so not been the best week ever so i'm very glad to be leaving. Had my last day in the school today, that was scary because i actually went to the school on my own, so i had to take the lesson on my own and stuff. The first lesson was really gd and the kids were cool, didn't do much work with them though, then the second lesson was a nightmare!They gave me this kid who was probably about 6he couldn't read or write, didn't even know the syllables and just didn't follow instructions, just repeated whatever i said..that was quite frustrating but...i ended the lesson early because i couldn't thin of anything to do with the poor kid. The kids were all really cute and it was kind of sad to say good bye, but i'm sure i'll get over it quickly. We're heading up to a place called Alajuela tommorrow so i'll update soon with what i'm doing!
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