Well...didn't realise it had been so long since i updated this thing...this week has been a very odd week. Had its good moments but had its very bad moments too. The first day in school was pretty horrible really, and the second day was even worse. Im the only blonde volunteer and ive got the palest skin too so i must look quite odd to the kids who may not have ever seen a white person so close before because they live in a small tucked away village etc etc. So most of the first and second day the kids sat there and whispered and stared and laughed at me, and one kid asked me if i was pregnant so..that was nice!Then weds was an ok day then thurs was horrendous, and today was ok!So i don't know, the project is a good idea and their hearts are in the right place but its just badly organised. But i won't go into that because it'll just start me off on one!So Ive only got 5weeks of teaching left because i get a week of at easter, please note though that i'll be painting while ur at home enjoying you easter eggs, cant even get much chocolate here never mind a nice easter egg! So a bit gutted about that but anyway...i'll be home before i know it..hopefully. Went to the beach today and yesterday so that was nice, the sea is really warm but cool enough to be refreshing so it's actually just a really nice temperature, and warmer than the shower in my house..which to be honest isn't really difficult because the shower is freeeeeezing!!!Went to Coco's Bar for some drinks last night and that was really nice although this crazy drunk german woman started trying to talk to us but i couldnt stop laughing and i couldn't understand a word she was saying so that was quite amusing. We're going horse riding tomorrow on the black sand beach so i'll let you all know how that's going. I saw the biggest bug i have ever seen in my life today...ill try and upload the photo of it soon but it must have been about 4inches big, with a big like stabber thing. Now the bug is lying on it's back dying in my house, but apparently its only 'sleeping'. hmmm. I was quite ill during the week, i was dehydrated...not drinking my 3litres a i felt like i was gonna die but im better now, thankfully! Well i better go off, gotta get my rice and beans for dinner...hmm anyways so have fun at work!!heehee. Ill update soon!!x
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