Well this weekend has been really good actually to be honest. Went horse riding on saturday morning, that was really fun. We trotted along the black sand beach and then went into this really pretty forest and saw some cool flowers and stuff. We saw a massive dead snake on the way, that was wierd but my horse was really cool. We were riding for about 2hours in total and it was really fun! Then after the horse riding we went to the beach, went in the sea and did a bit of sunbathing. After that we went with the guy we live with to a town called Limon, got the most delicious icecream i've ever had!!so that was nice!! Went to puerto viejo in the eve and had a few drinks! anyways gotta go to a meeting ill update soon! So That was Saturday evening. Sunday morning Nat and I went to the beach early, we sunbathed and went in the sea so that was cool. We came back went and had some lunch, made a nice change to have something different to rice! Then we had a nap and then we had the meeting. After that we grabbed some dinner again good that it wasn't rice and then went to bed. We had Jose's son Axel staying with us this weekend so that was cool, he was soo cute!!He left monday morning though so that was a shame but i'm sure we'll see him again soon! Monday morning we change stuff in the school, because a lot of the kids don't have a father figure at home for one reason or another or because of the culture here the woman doesn't get as much respect as the father we changed the teaching arrangement so that Liam did the English classes with me and Jodie and it worked much better, he kept the class under control and had them all laughing at him so it was much better today!! They have also changed the lessons so that they are 40mins long instead of an hourand a half so it's much easier so keep the kids interested for that long!!Anyways got to go and have my rice now so i'll update soon!
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