Right ok didn't realise it had been so long since i had updated this thing!!Well basically after we got back from our little trip away we had a very boring easter weekend because it was cloudy so that was probably the most boring weekend of my life!!heehee. This week has been very dramatic and just a joke actually to be honest. Monday we went and did a half day at the school, that was fine. The Tuesday we turned up at the bus stop and noone turned up with any bus money so we stuck to our pact that we've spent too much money already so if noone turns up with bus money then we don't go to school, so we headed off to Fransisco's house to see what was going on but he actually turned up at the bus stop just after the bus drove off, o yeh fransisco is the headteacher of the other school here so he's sort of our contact here. So we had to catch the next bus at 8oclock but this bus goes through a different town so it took us 1hr 45mins to do a 45mins journey so by the time we actually got to school we didn't really have any kids to teach so we turned round and came back home, unfortunately this bus went back through the town we came through and it took us another hour and 45mins to get home. We ended up getting off the bus in this town-called Puerto Viejo and sat on the beach playing cards for a bit. Wednesday was fine, bus money was there so we went to school, that was all fine except it was literally about 100degrees C so wasnt very comfortable!! Thursday, again noone showed up with an bus money so we didn't go to school, instead i did a trip with Natalie because it was her last day so we went to a nearby sloth hospital. It was such a good trip, it started off with a video about the challenges sloths face these days, then we got a tour of some of the tours that have been so badly injured that they look after them there because they're not well enough to go back into the wild so we got to touch these sloths and, they don't really feel that nice but they're still really cute!! Then we went upstairs and there was a little basket and inside were 4baby sloths!!They were absolutely adorable and we were trying to decide the best way to steal one!!heehee. After this, they took us out on a canoe and took us down these 3 canal sort of things and theres just loads of wildlife, and its absolutely silent too. Was so relaxing, was a gorgeous day and the area was just beautiful. So that was really fun, we saw some wild sloths, and massive lizards, and crabs and loads of bird etc so that was cool. Then our guide guy caught a little Jesus Christ lizard so we were tormenting him for a bit,i no,we're horrible but this little thing was so cute!!The after we got back from that we walked a bit of the little trail that is around the hospital. We did get eaten alive by some massive crazy ants, but it was worth is because we saw an amazing toucan, it was black with a really bright yellow chest and it was sooooo cool!! So then we had friday in school and then it was the weekend!!Today (saturday) i woke up early and the weather was rubbish, so i went to Limon with Jose and bought some icecream, that stuff is delicious!!Best chocolate icecream ive ever tasted!Then i got back and Colleen and I hired scooters for half a day, they are soooo fun!!it was terrifying so start with, but after we got the hang of it it was wicked fun!Good too here because there isn't too uch traffic around but the road conditions aren't great but was an amazing day, the weather cleared up and we went to a town about an hour away called Manzanillo, it was really pretty and we hired some snorkels and fins and looked and the coral and funny fish and i actually saw a Dori (finding nemo) fish, was soo cool. So thats pretty much it,, just going to have dinner now so that's it for now!!
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