Today we were up fairly early and headed off back to stone town. We've been mooching around the markets and back streets, got a bit lost but it was great. We walked miles, and spent a good few hours trying to find the old slave market area. Zanzibar was the latest fully working slave trade centre and pretty interesting, a big part of their history. We managed to find a cash point on the way back as we've all spent quite a lot more than we had thought we would, and we went back to our friends shop. He's a very good artist, 22 years old. I bought 2 canvas paintings one of Maasai and one of a giraffe in the Serengeti- very cool and he gave me a good discount. Amy brought a lovely big canvas of an African riding a bicycle and Alex bartered a great price for a canvas of a Maasai tribe looking out to Kili. After giving him advice on how to care for his cut and bandaged finger and him and Alex exchanging contact details we headed quickly back to the hotel to meet everyone for another evening of sundowners. We returned to the night market for one last time where we ate far too much, there are so many stray cats around this area its crazy! Following some decent grub we headed back for an early night in preparation for getting back on the road tomorrow and a 5.30am breakfast meet!
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