G'Day Mates!
So sorry for the delays...the internet situation has been too slow to download photos. We have arrived back in the United States tonight. It took us 32 hours to get home and the majority of it was spent in LA waiting for flight and then of course at the MIA airport, we had to wait an hour and a half for baggage, then 30 minutes more in the parking garage to get out, then an extra 30 minutes of construction work on I-95 to get home! Culture Shock!
So the next couple of days will be the last few events of our FANTASTIC, INCREDIBLE, AMAZING trip to Australia!
The day after our amazing Great Barrier Reef day, Saturday July 11, we drove to Cape Tribulation. Cape Tribulation got it's name from Captain Cook. In 1770 Captain Cook as exploring the coastline of Australia and ran into lots of problems navagating through the Great Barrier Reef. Tribulation means trouble, so the area became Cape Tribulation.
It was rainy in the rain forrest (of course!), but it didn't matter because we had a great time on zip lines. They call it Jungle Surfing.
It was great fun. Sabrina wasn't scared, she went first! It was hard at first stepping off the platform for the first time, but it was another exciting day for us.
More photos soon!
- comments
UB Welcome home I am sure everything will seem "foreign" to you and you will not like it; but there is NO PLACE LIKE HOME! Memories were embedded for a lifetime The bond between your family has intensified Your wallets are empty Thank you for sharing with all of us! You are important Your trip was important Now get back to reality......
Lisa Holland Welcome Home!! When we arrived back in MIA we weren't back in the US for 5 minutes before some lady was yelling and complaining.....10 days in Europe and I didn't hear any of that. Sounds like you had a wonderful vacation; now back to reality; I'm still trying to catch up!!