14 October 2009
Today I had the journey back to Hamilton - back to my little friend.Faye met me at the bus terminal in Hamilton city.We then met up with Sally, and went for lunch.Sally had to go back to work after lunch, but Faye and I being ladies of leisure, stayed at the Café, and had a few more drinks, and much giggles.We decided we were gonna head back to the house, for more wine, but first I wanted to stop at the Supermarket to pick up another bottle of my new favourite drink 'Linduer Fraise' (which is strawberry bubbely, which Faye happily introduced me to, on arrival to NZ).BUT, on the way to the Supermarket we were side tracked, and landed up going into the 'Helm' bar, for more drinks, and a few games of pool.Needless to say, we spent the afternoon there, so by the time Sally had finished work, and came to meet us, we were VERY merry (quite an embarressment to Sally I think - hehe).But a fantastic afternoon session.
16 October 2009
Today, we decided to venture to Hamilton Gardens.We didn't actually get out until about midday, so unfortunately we didn't get to explore the whole of Hamilton Gardens, but what we did explore was great (though honestly, not all that impressed with the American Garden - not much time or effort went into it - but I suppose its expected hehe).
The clever idiots that Faye and I are, read the bus times incorrectly for leaving Hamilton Gardens.So where we thought we had timed it perfectly, infact got it completely wrong.But this we only realised after waiting about half an hour for a bus that just never came.So we had the fun journey, of walking quite a fare distance (which as you can imagine felt like death, on legs that just didn't want to go anymore), to where we knew busses would be going past, and heading in the direction of home.Luckily, we timed this perfectly, and managed to get the last bus running that route for the day - is that luck or what?So we eventually got back safely.
17 October 2009
Today us girlies took a trip to the Hamilton Zoo.Wow it was beautiful.We had a great day.Unfortunately due to the various activities I've done over the past few weeks, I seemed to have been abit run down, and coming down with a nasty cold.I think sometimes your body reaches the point where its like - NO MORE ……. So unfortunately it was abit of a struggle for me wondering around the zoo, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it, and got to see so many beautiful animals.Though like Melbourne zoo, the tigers were not coming out to play, so we didn't get to see them.We were however most entertained by the Chimpansee's.
This evening, was Girls night @ Sally's place, where quite a few women from her work, came round for drinks, and snacks, and then a boogy, later in the evening in the living room.Sally put on a fantastic spread, so as I do - I was practically glued to the table for a lot of the evening, making sure I had my fare share of food.We had soooo much fun, and as you can imagine, it got very messy (and definitely didn't do my cold any good either) but hey, well worth it!So thanks Sally, a great night was had by all!!!
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