28 September 2009
Andy picked me up from Hamilton this morning, to take me on a road trip.1st stop was Rotorua.Obviously first and foremost, was to sort out our accommodation, so we drove up and down the main road, comparing prices of Motels.We eventually settled for the 'Pine Motel'.So once we had checked in, we headed out to grab some much needed lunch.
Because it was raining on and off constantly, it was difficult trying to decide what it was that we could do today, seeing that everything is outdoors.We finally decided to head for the 'Zorb'.Which is a great big bouncing ball, which you get in, and they push you down the hill.There are usually 3 options: you can either, go together, go wet, or go dry.We were going to go dry, and separately, seeing that we didn't have our swimming togs with us.BUT because of the rain, and the grass was wet, we could only go for the wet option, otherwise the ball would just bounce off the 'track', and who knows where it would stop.So, we opted for buying the shorts and t-shirt to go down in, as we would have been absolutely drenched in our jeans.OMG it was soooo much fun.Thankfully its hot water they put in the ball with you.
Next stop was Kairau Park, to check out the Geothermal Mud Pools, but unfortunately the rain didn't hold out for us, and came bucketing down again, whilst we were walking around, so got VERY wet (we may as well have stayed in our Zorb gear).
To end the day, we headed for the Polynesian Spa's.It was awesome, there were loads of pools (and so much steam, you could hardly see anything).The water was lovely and warm, so definitely a relaxating evening.
29 September 2009
Today, was at least a dry day, so decided to go to Te Puia, and check out the Geysers.When we got there, one of the Geysers was erupting - what a site.It was amaising.The Maori, provided a show, which we of course went to watch, and thoroughly enjoyed.Afterwards, they got the women on stage, to learn how to do the Poi (which is the female Maori dance) , and then of course got the men up to learn the Haka - Definitely worth it.And loads of fun.
From there we made our way to the Gondola (which goes up the Ngotaha Mountain), and with the ticket we got, we got 3 rides on the Luge.It was loads of fun, I just couldn't stop laughing down all the different tracks.If you have never done the Luge before, you have to start with the 'Scenic route' to get you used to controlling the luge, down the mountain.You then go onto the next track, which is the 'Intermediate track', and then onto the 'Advanced' track, which is very fast, and wyndy.
After our much enjoyed fun, and lunch we set off on our merry way heading to Ohakune.On the way we stopped at the lovely 'Huka Falls', which was extremely rough.Andy tells me that some crazy folks actually Kayak down this river - absolute madness (they must be adrenalin junkies).It was beautiful though, but as the weather goes, it just didn't hold out for us, and started bucketing down again - so it was a very quick view, with as many pictures as possible.Of course trying to get the full effects, of just how rough it really was.
Next stop was at 'Wai-O-Tapu - Thermal Wonderland' to have a look at the many different Craters.The most spectacular of them all is the 'Champagne Pool'.Unfortunately because the winds were so high, it was very difficult to get the full effects of how beautiful it really is, as the steam was bellowing out, blocking the view, that you couldn't see anything in front of you at some stages.And because of this, it made it very difficult to get the perfect shot.We did giggle loads, as we waited patiently for the break in the steam, to get the perfect shot, only to find that the camera lense was steamed up as well - so it turned out to be quite a skilful task, of capturing the perfect shot, but seeing that I am becoming such a pro with my camera, I managed it.The craters are all very different, with different colours, due to the amounts of Sulphur, etc.
We were going to head onto the Thermal mud pools, but it was getting late in the day, and knew we still had a couple hours drive to our final destination for the night.So we gave those a miss, and hit the road again.
On arrival at the very small and quiet town of Ohakune, we checked into the Backpackers, and cracked open a bottle of Bubbely.Andy and I surprisingly still had loads to catch-up on, so as you can imagine, we nattered for hours.So much, that when we finally headed out up the 1 and only main street of this little town (at 10pm) All restaurants were shut - so there went our idea of a nice dinner.At the backpackers where we were staying we joined a group, who were having a few drinks, and playing some horrendous drinking game - but it had to be tried.During this time they informed us that there was actually more to this little town than meets the eye - there was a 'town center' and a bar, so we joined them and hit this little bar.It was packed (no surprise being that I think this is the ONLY bar in Ohakune).It was a great evening, with loads of giggles, and even had a little boogey.As you may have all guessed, it was yet another late night, and only got to be around 4ish.
30 September 2009
We were actually planning on going skiing today, but due to a thick head, and terrible weather, we decided to take it easy for the day.So we started with a much needed lush breakfast - which was out of this world.
We then took a drive up to Mt Raupehu (Turoa Ski area) to check out the mountain.As expected it was awful up there - raining, and not much snow!Everyone looked absolutely frozen, and very unhappy (they didn't look like they were having fun).So, we grabbed ourselves a hot drink, and watched rather than participated.
Needless to say, this afternoon / evening was a quite one.Though we did get some free entertainment at the backpackers later this evening.The room Andy and I were staying in, did infact sleep 4, but we payed 'Double room' price to have the room to ourselves.To our surprise, at 11.30pm the door opened with 2 boys, stating that they were going to be sharing our room.After much discussion, and realisation that there was nothing that could be done, due to the fact that the office was already shut, they made themselves comfy.Andy and I had grabbed the bottom bunks, so the 2 top bunks were free.About half hour later, 1 of the lads was in a very deep sleep (It was obvious from his snoring)Whilst I was just about to dose off, I heard the bed creecking, and a slight scream, and tumbling down came one of the boys hehe.(he had forgotten he was on a single bunk, with no barrier, so when he rolled over, he just rolled off.As you can just imagine (and know how sympathetic I am - NOT) I just cracked up laughing.This poor lad just sat on the floor for a while (I think from the pain and shock of it all) - well for quite sometime I just couldn't stop picturing the event, and giggled (shame, I know, but it was funny - you had to be there)
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