It was so wicked having you here thanks so much for making my 30th a rememorable one and for all the good days out and in (drinking sessions included lol), just wish you were still here. I hope you have a wicked time in Brisbane and then SA with your family i know you cant wait. See you in Feb/March next year cant wait man. Keep me updated as to where you are and what you upto.
Take care and look after yourself.
Love and miss you so much.
Your little friend (best friend) lol.xxxxx
Ag Hell Bells ek is so jammer dat jy so voel, jy weet dat ons baie lief vir jou is, altyd en verewig! Geniet jou vakansie meerso nou dat jy na n newe plek toe gaan, soos Brisbane! Die datam wat ek het is 15 Oktober 2009.
Baie liefde Janie en familie xoxoxo
Hells Bells
Thank you all for the lovely messages you have left. Its always great reading them!!!
THOUGH, it seems that i am no longer loved, as no one has left me a message in quite sometime :-(
Miss you all, and hope to receive more messages ...
OOPS Sorry I have the original dates which you posted on your blog which are obviously incorrect. So you're still in Sydney, and sounds like your having a great time. On to New Zealand 20 Sep, not long off so all the best, take care, lots of love from us all xoxoxoxo
Hellooo Hunny Bun
So you are now off to Brisbane. Enjoy, enjoy and again enjoy!
Waiting patiently for you next update.
Take care, lots of love from us all here in SA xoxoxoxo
hi ya babe
your blogs are just like listeneing to you chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and chat and did i say chat!!! LOL
Well it's first home game of the season for the boys, so guess where they are? Yep Fred is home and Ivan left with a bottle of scotch ummmmmmmmm men being men!!!
I'm getting so excited to listen to your travels and am counting the days when we will be there, just a shame you will be in SA. I'll wave as we head south :-) would be so fab if you came back to Aus before we leave on the 12th????
Well my sad self needs to prepare for X Factor, so need to make a cosmopolitan for the show.... bye for now, lots of love xxx Rox :-)
Hi my darlin Bells
Well done sweeti excellent timin!! I started niteshift tonite, so it was great havin your blog to read & photos to look thru. Thanx!!! Hope all goes well with the 'shroom picking honi.
Missin you so much. Love you with all my heart. Your Dad xoxoxox
Hi Helie
Thanks for the update on your travels, sharing your exciting news and wonderful photos. We think of you all the time. Your off to Sydney tmrw so all the best. Where is it you're doing the mushroom farming, and where will you be staying? Hope you got the addresses and phone number details I sent to your hotmail address? Love you lots Hunny Bun from all of us at 27 Cobham xoxoxoxo
hi hun
Travels sound so lovely hun. glad you are having a ball, keep it up even if the wine is stupid expensive!!! Could be a sign :-)
Well Ivan and i arrive 26th December and depart 12th January so if there is any time in that timeframe that you will be near sydney, shout us???? we are going to uluru and great barrier reef but eill tell you those dates if you need them as you may be in SA???
Keep the details flowing hun, big kisses for now, much love too :-)
Rox xx
Hi my darlin Bells. Yep its me again. Your number1 fan!!!
It was so good chattin to you yesterday, I hope you were enjoyin your glass of wine ( while Im on the wagon!! ) Hehe. ( Sparks I do believe it was a large 1 ) I do miss our weekly chats. I know you are missin us as we are missin you, but sweeti you have to live in the moment & ENJOY!!! Just think how you can keep us amused in Dec regallin us with all your stories!!
Keep up the blog sweeti. Love you with all my heart. Dad xoxoxox
Mark tell me just one more much is a SMALL glass of wine exactly LOL. Looks like u will need 2 jobs to be able to keep up with your normal intake hehe. Hope u looking 4ward to your 'shroom farming, oh yeah! hehe l8ers HellsBells
Hi my darlin Bells
Im really lovin this blog. Its so imformative, well done honi!!! You are defo gettin about, Is your mon goin to see you thru?? Lets hope!! I come on here every day!! I also think you should hav gone onto the edge, I think you were to to poep bang!! Hehe!! Dont insight your mum with casinos, mind you havin said that????
Glad the weather seems to be playin the game, tho I must say it looks chilly. We used to that tho hey!! Your takin sum wicked pics sweeti & Im lovin the little comments. Its great for me on niteshift, its like watchin my own little travell show!!
Take care my darlin. Missin you lots. Love you with all my heart.