Woke at 10am ! Nice lie in. Went for breakfast. A ham and cheese toastie with a flat white coffee. Usually drink black at home but the flat whites are nice here.
It rained a lot today. Went to the maritime museum. It was really good value for money.
Went on a submarine first was so weird to think people live and work in this. The bunks reminded me of the clipper ones. I take my hat off to those working on subs felt a bit claustrophobic.
Went on a warship then onto endeour which is a replicar of captain cookes boat. A real history lesson ! A real difference in the living quarters between the crew and captains areas.
Took a long time wandering around the museum. A lovely section on Shackleton they even had stuffed dogs from his expedition.
Went to queen Victoria shopping centre an amazing clock there.
In the evening had a lovely steak and bottle of red wine in meat and wine restaurant (that was what it was called ! )
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