Today we are hopping on a bus to go to a small Thai village called Haatyai. We don't really know what is at Haatyai, but feel it is time to keep moving on from Penang. We are absolutely loving Penang, but want to get into Thailand. We will cross the thai border today at some stage. Last night we ate like royalty in Penang for about $5 AU. While sitting on the street having a beer last night, i was approached by a hawker who seemed a bit "not with it", and from what i could gather he was trying to sell us a bag of curry for 1 ringgit (about 37 cents). I almost went in for it, but didn't. After flicking off the drunk local, Kerry informed me that he was actually trying to sell me ice (meth), and was probably heavily on the stuff himself. Lucky kerry is switched on, Malaysia having the death penalty for drugs and all....... We caught a train to the top of Penang hill yesterday. Its 1000m high and took about 30 mins on the train. It was an awesome sight. Penang is on a small island off the western coast of Malaysia, and we could pretty much see the whole island from the top of the hill. We have been getting around by foot and by rickshaw. Rickshaws are great. It is definitely the way to get around.
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