Greetings! We left Hong Kong last night and are now in Penang, staying in the middle of Georgetown. I like Malaysia so far - even thought taxi drivers don't seem to believe in indicators, or indeed even in lanes of traffic at all! Heath and i came close to our first disagreement on Saturday - we went to lantau island and caught the cable car up to the top of a mountain where there's a big buddah (it's actually called the big buddah) and a monastary. Very very beautiful up there. We decided we'd walk back, about a 2 hour trek. Needless to say we took a wrong turn and ended up half way up the 2nd highest peak in Hong Kong, Lantau Peak (around 950m high), only realising our mistake when we came to a sign which had places we'd never heard of marked on it. We then had a closer look at the trail guide and realised that at that point Lantau Peak should have been to the right of us, not underneath us! Heath wanted to keep going up, i thought that was a very silly idea seeing as how it was 4 in the afternoon and we didn't know exactly where we were, plus the mist was rolling in making it impossible to see anything above or below us. Heath won. We kept climbing up, and finally made it to the top where some very helpful trekkers had just made it up the other side. We took happy snaps for each other, then followed their directions to get down the other side and to a bus stop to take us where we'd originally intended to end up!!! Our legs are still feeling it, but it was definitely worth it! We're still sort of scratching our heads as to where we went wrong - the guide book was fairly specific in where to go! I blame Heath, fair and square : ) We're in Penang one more night, and then travelling up to Thailand. No real plans from there, just see how it goes! Love Kerry
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