We will probably speak to most people before they even read this blog, but we have a few hours to kill so here goes.
It is 5am and we are in the Auckland airport (drinking Aussie beer in the Qantas club of course). We just got off the 13 hour flight from Santiago which was preceded by a 2 hour flight from Buenos Aires. Both very uneventful flights. Got a few winks of sleep, but after the luxurious comfort of long haul south american buses it is very hard to come back to cattle class flying.
We have 3 hours in total to kill before our flight to Brisbane leaves. Amber will pick us up from the airport. I think we will be in need of some well earned sleep by then as we've been up for the last 30 hours or so. Anyway, we are very excited to be just a few hours away from home and look forward to catching up with everyone soon. This will more than likely be the last blog for the, but we still have a stack of photos and video clips to put up when we get home, so keep an eye out for them.
By the way, if anyone is doing some travelling I really recommend you use this STA blog site to keep a blog. You don't even need to book your travel through STA to keep a blog, its free for all.
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