Hello from Oz!
Been here coming up to a week now.. I dont remember day 1 and 2 very well, I slept for 17hours lol. But it sorted me out and now im over my jet lag! Staying with my friend Laura on the 27th floor.... its not good for someone with vertigo!! I just stay away from the window and pretend its not so high... though when the fire alarm went off I got a bit worried!
Weather hasnt quite got to summer yet. Have had one beach day, but forecast for rest of week is poor and it does get really chilly at night, I took out my jumpers to get my suitcase weight down and so I had to go and buy two! Clothes are pretty cheap here tho so its ok. Dunno why I packed some of the stuff that I did lol.
Went to neighbours nite last nite. It was awesome! Saw Irish Connor, Janelle Timmins, Steve Parker and Miranda, and Paul Robinson! It was wicked. Got put at a table with a group of southern irish lads who were a bit mental but it made it all the more fun. Least they kept us entertained anyway!! Plenty of photos on facebook of the night, check them out. I have tried uploading onto here and it just doesnt seem to work! So ive given up...
Today I am not doing much, meeting my friends Jo and Eddie and going shopping I think, (not that I can afford to buy anything) and then later going swimming with Laura who Im staying with. She has a pool and a gym in her building :D Im gonna start using the gym from 2m once she shows me where it is etc tonight. Need to get toned up for the beach!!
Well, hope the UK is ok and I'll chat to u soon no doubt :)
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