Day 3 in Singapore!!
Went to some CRAZY electrical store today. You have never seen anything like it!! About 6 floors of electronic goods. Every shop seemed to be selling the same! Think we had ££ over our head, the price wariations were unbelievable, from $300 to $750 for the same item lol. Bit of a joke. Finally got a good price and when Jo n Eddie went back for the second time as instructed the guy said he didnt have any in stock!! Waste of time, they were not impressed..
Then it was on to the Zoo and the night safari. Both were good, although I was concerned that there wasnt enough separating me and the big cats, just a big gap which Im sure they could clear. Turns out I was right to be worried as two days after we were there a guy was eaten by the White Tigers :s Not a nice way to go it has to be said.
Night safari was very good, the tribal guys dancing and fire antics were great, especially funny when they got a guy up from the crowd to join in and he succeeded in setting his chest hair on fire lol. After that we went on a tram ride around the night safari... Alot of fake animals!! But there were some real ones, quite a few infact, and I was particularly afraid of the lion (even though he sounded like a heavy smoker with a cough) as he was right infront of me on the other side of a big gap roaring! Was concerned I was going to have to sacrafice Jo if he jumped over lol. Sorry Jo! :D
Got back to the hostel late but it was a good day none the less!
Day 4 was our last day and we had to get to the airport by 4 so it was just an easy day. Headed down to Clarke Quay and went on the river boat tour which was an excellent way of covering a lot of ground fast. Saw all the sights and finished our Singapore experience with a trip to Raffles and a Singapore sling. Throwing plenty of monkey nut shells on the ground as is the requirement when in Raffles. Think eddie ate most of the box on our table, it was good work! Def got his moneys worth lol. Onwards to Oz..
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