Byron Bay
Day 7 - Decided to forgoe the last day of the tour and get off the island and head to Byron with Courtney as she'd hired a car. Boy was I glad I did, it PISSED it down that day and we were meant to be doing 2 walks and a swim in a lake lol. We drove to Brisbane in the hire car/boat, then got a transfer to the bus station and got bus to Byron where we met our friends Matt and Nick. Quick shower, then back out to a tapas restaurant for food and a well deserved bottle of wine!! It had been a long day, and we were finally kicked out the restaurant at 1am. Later that nite I woke up to Courtney trying to spoon me in bed!! Was too funny, she thought I was her boyfriend, I dont really remember it other than I think I was like AAAGH! hahahahaha. Ah dear, its kept us laughing all day!!
Day 8 - Woke up to more pissing rain. It had just become standard for me, I expected to get wet on a daily basis!! Matt and Nick still wanted to go surfing and assured us that if we went north that it would be better.... Foolishly I believed them, or at least went along with it lol. The surf was up for sure, Ive never seen waves like it, MASSIVE! Too big for me so I let them get on with it and then got soaked anyway in the hurricane/rain lol. Was glad to get the day over! Went to a bar in Byron in the evening, got a taxi in cus it was wet, funniest taxi driver ever, he had us in stitches. It was a big taxi with a disabled bit in the back, and he was like, we have more of these cabs than disabled people, I dont even have a licence to drive one, then, "does anyone have a babyseat in their taxi?" came over the radio and we all just looked at each other and started laughing! Anyway, watched a band playing which was pretty good and got kicked out again at half 12. Got dominoes and taxi'd home with another funny driver, good nite had by all, and I avoided being spooned by Courtney again by putting a dividing line of cushions down the bed lol.
Day 9 - BLUE SKY!!!!!! I couldnt believe it. Have never been so excited by blue sky in my whole life. Went into Byron for breakfast, then drove out to the lighthouse which was beautiful, amazing views, then went and chilled on the beach for a bit. Matt had a go at body boarding while Court and I just chilled on the sand. Think this is my final bit of aussie sun!! Chat to you in New Zealand :)
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