Another massive breakfast in our Casa after which we could barely toddle around town to do a few necessary chores. This included trying to get my camera fixed, which we would put all our double economy tourist CUC on the policia having broken. The photography shop couldn't help, but gave us an address of some other chap who fixed cameras - after taking a while to track him down due the inconvenience of most Cuban streets having 2 names, he tried hitting the on/off button a few times, randomly holding down any other button he could see in different combinations, then handing it back to us - brilliant - trinidad's camera guru. Treated ourselves to peso espaghetti (poss my favourite meal since away and yet cost about 30p), and the daily intake of peso helado (ice cream). Purchased a painting and few other souvenirs after visiting a lot of the towns art shops and the craft market. After another delicious meal at our Casa, including fresh prawns and a cheesy soup, headed out with the idea of seeing some live music. However just as we reached the venue the heavens opened like we have seldom seen before and we were trapped in a small area of the open air bar with some soggy musicians, friendly locals, mojitos, cervezas, and cards for company, watching torrents of water cascade through the bar.
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