Friday 1st May
I cant believe its already May and i cannot believe i ve been away for 2 months! Its gone so quickly!
After being thrown out of the campsite me and guy headed into brisbane to go and have lunch with andy, guy's cousin. We had a really nice lunch on the waterfront in brisbane which was chilled and caught up with stuff from home as he had only come out to austarlia a week before. After lunch me and guy headed up to brisbane airport to pick up slates from his little two day love trip back down to sydney. Luckily andy and his girlfriend told us that the airport was north as me and guy both though it was south. Anyways, we picked slater up and headed up 100km to Noosa where we were going to spend a chilled weekend at some of slaters family friends house. We stupidly got all our timings wrong and ended up sitting in traffic for two hours as a crash mixed with the bank holiday weekend traffic slowed us down for a while. But we eventually arrived to one of the best things ever, a roast! It was awesome, especially as we hadnt had one for 2 months! We then chilled out for the rest of the evening, ending up watching lord of the rings and then hit the hay in a proper bed, it definately felt like luxury!
Saturday 2nd May
After a nice lie in and a proper breakfast we chilled out in the infity pool looking down over the whole of noosa. Later on we headed into noosa for some lunch and me and slater had another little go at surfing, this time on a short board. It was pretty difficult and neither of us ended standing up we just broke a fin on the board! We did put in 110% effort though, we ll get there someday. We then went out for a few beers and a pizza and headed back to the house for another chilled evening so that we were on top form for golf the next day.
Sunday 3rd May
We woke up nice and early had a quick swim to wake up and then chucked on our golf gear and headed down to the Noosa Valley Golf Course. We all got golf buggies, drove down to the first hole and got ready to tee off. I went first, which went horribly wrong ending up in a bush on the right, i then ended up on a 15 for the first hole, i think the worst score i have ever got!!! Guy stepped up next, having never played golf before! A few air shots later and he knocked it off the tee 30 yards down to the right, slater then went and spanked it down the right and into the trees as a lost ball. I managed to pick up my game for the rest of the round but numerous air shots were flying between guy and slater. I ended up finishing 22 over par, slater got 33 over par and guy got something like 55 over par (this was on 9 holes by the way) but it was an awesome days golfing and a lot of fun.
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