So, is it still snowing over there then??.... haha!!
No, in all fairness, its been freeeezing here too! Have had jacket and scarf out the past couple of weeks, although luckily it warmed up a bit yesterday and today, so got to dig out the vest tops again!
Anyway feel like part of the furniture now in Cooee hostel, St Kilda, Melbourne! Has definitely been the place i've felt the most at home during my time in Oz. In just 2 weeks i've made a little family of friends and am going to miss them soooo much!
Its been nice as ive just been living a 'normal' type of life since ive been here, and have had chance to lie in for once - which is a novelty since i started my travels! Not done any major trips but just spent time with my friends from the hostel and seen the sights of Melbourne. Leaving off from were our last blog left us - NEIGHBOURS NIGHT - that must do night of cheese that can't be avoided when visiting Melbourne! Me and the guys headed there on Monday night to see Toadie, Ringo and Janae - unfortunately something happened to me (not entirely sure what!) - but i appeared to get absolutely floored after only several beers and missed meeting the stars, apparently gave some verbal abuse to Janae from Neighbours (something along the lines of "Who the F*** is that!" ) which luckily she didnt hear. Anyway i had to go home, so not a fruitful D list celeb filled night for me - but no fears i recreated the night this Monday gone and got to meet Paul Robinson who is bizarrely short! and Lynne Scully and I was very well behaved, despite the shot my mate Beth bought me (the 'bouncer' - Tequila, Sambuca, Tabasco and Salt! - bleugh!)
Other highlights of the time in Melbourne - my visit to Ramsay St. Noooo I am not a hardcore Neighbours geek - but it has to be done! And it was a hysterical day, went with my room mate Nat and it was the windiest day in Melbourne.. the start of a gale which was to later cause havoc in the city and wreck a lot of houses. Stupidly Nat and I wore skirts and were bloody freezing, Nats skirt kept blowing up around her head though which was funny - especially when she flashed Stuart from Neighbours - wont tell you what she said to him, but he couldnt stop laughing!
After our Neighbours adventure went for a few drinks that night with the girls from my room which was nice. Also went out Thursday and Friday night. Friday night was a good one, went with the girls in my room who i get on really well with. Nat whose from Leeds, Beth from Wales and Nic from Holland. We went out to a club and had a good girlie dance and a laugh, managed to drop my camera though which completely finished it off (was already playing up after i got sand in the lens) - so have had to buy a new one, but got a good deal so am quite happy.
Went to a village called Ballaratt on Monday with Nat, Tracey and a guy called Jonny from the hostel. Ballaratt is famous for gold mining and we went to a place called Sovereign hill were they recreate the 1800's - was quite twee, but fun. Got to pan for gold, which Jonny got a little 'too' into. Then went to the gold museum before heading back to Melbourne. Went via a winery on the way home which was nice, a couple in their late 50's who took on the winery as a retirement venture, they invited us into their home to taste the wine and we were sitting and chatting with them for the next hour, was really nice. Unfortunately the wine was a little out of our price range though!
Nothing much exciting to report really - like i say i havent done much to talk of, just lived normally with my mates here going to the cinema and out to eat and shop (well window shop!) and stuff. So ill stop waffling on and just upload the pics which will tell a better story than i can. Im on a computer where i can upload them now so give me 10 mins ...
Heading to Sydney tommorrow. Was going to stay in Melbourne but got the opportunity to drive to Sydeny with Natalie from my room and her friend Tracey whose from Sydney so thought id take it. Did think about staying and working in Melbourne for a bit with Nic and Beth... but decided i can always come back and work and all my mates will be heading up the coast at some point or another. Thanks again Dawn for your help with my decision making!!
Am off to a pampering night at the hostel. Pampering for the girls and Poker for the guys - yeah!! Have had a good day today - mates took me to the park for a walk and then for lunch down near the river. Anyway will update you all from Sydney.
Girlies - ill speak to you tonight!! Can someone please text me (Australian Phone no) Sam's Landline if thats still were you're all heading tonight. Mum, Dad, Debs - will call you at weekend
Mwaa xxx
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