So I suppose its been a while since you've heard from me... have you missed me!? ... you betta have!
Well Sydney is still my current residence, although if i dont find a job or the weather doesnt improve soon ill be hot footing it up the coast!
Me, Trace and the Natster left Melbourne on the Thursday morning, after a somewhat emotional farewell to the troops! Had a goodbye lunch with Nic and Beth (our roomies) and then hit the road. It was a good 10 hour drive to Sydney and with tracey being the only one who could drive we decided to span it over 2 days. Didnt stop anywhere on the first day, just drove until it got a bit too dark and then pulled into a little road side motel - it was quite amusing walking into the reception (which was also the bar and restaurant) - it was full of aussie roadie guys, was rather daunting being the only women! Checked into our room and were so excited about the double beds (even tracey... who isnt backpacking!) we didnt bother going for a drink but had our dinner in bed watching tv! The excitement of an electric blanket too, resulted in me falling asleep shortly after dinner! Left early next day, after Nat had purged the room of free soaps and jams etc. Drove pretty much constantly to Sydney, stopping only in a bizarre little town called Gundagai which was full of strange people, (a lot of which were very large ) - me and nat came to the conclusion that was because there was nothing else to do but eat there!
First day in Sydney, Saturday was glorious... if only the weather had stayed like that! Went to a music festival in the afternoon, sat on the grass in this park listening to local bands drinking goon - which we sneakily smuggled in! Was a good afternoon and we were all a little tipsy - went home and got ready for going out that night. Went to a really funky bar called the loft which overlooked the water on Darling Harbour, they had this really great band playing called La Fiesta Sound System, and we spent the rest of the night up on the dancefloor.
Weather's been a bit naf since that weekend, resulting in me having to invest in a pair of tights and boots - not happy about that!! Ended up staying at Traceys for 10 nights which was great as was nice to have a break from a hostel and stay in a house again with mates. Not got up to much in the week we've been trying to find work and as the weathers been a bit crap it doesnt inspire you to go sightseeing! - had it in my head that i wanted to work in a restaurant or bar and not in an office, but is proving harder to find work than i at first anticipated! Nat and I did an RSA course on Thursday from 4 - 10pm - cost $75 and was quite possibly the dullest way to spend your day! But if you want to work somewhere which serves alcohol you need to do the course. Anyway - the multiple cafes and restaurants i went into have STILL not gotten back to me, so have given up hope as am getting poorer and poorer. Signed up with some agencies now and hopefully next week ill have some work. Office temping gets on average between $20 - $25 ph (10 - 12.50GBP) so, not bad!
Friday night, went for dinner with Nat, Tracey and Kristi (traceys housemate) which was yummy - had steak, mashed potato and gravy... oh my god mashed potato was soooo nice! Couldnt remember the last time i'd had it! Drank a substantial amount of wine and then headed back home, resulted in playing drinking Jenga games (as you do). Saturday was a good day - Tracey got us free tickets for the Sydney golden slipper races, as she looks after a band called the Potbellez who were playing there. The tickets were VIP and worth $125! Great day, got dressed up and did a bit of day time drinkin and a spot of gambling - I won $12.50! Potbellez were fab, and their song 'dont hold back' has definitely become a bit of a travelling anthem for us now i think! Everyone looked so nice dressed up in suits and dresses / hats etc, but at the end of the day (about 6pm) all these fights started breaking out, guys punching each other and then girls kicking at each other and pulling hair, it was everywhere and resulted in 15 policeman charging in to try and break it up as the security guards hadnt been successful. Was crazy, so we made a quick exit!
On Sunday (still raining!) Nat and I headed to manly - a little beach side suburb across the harbour. We went down to circular quay and caught a ferry over which took about half hour. Met 2 of Nats friends when we were there, who she had met whilst travelling in China. Went for a walk around Manly and then for some lunch. Really liked Manly and reckon it would be such a nice place to stay when the sun is shining!
Rest of the past week, have just been job hunting really, signed up with another 3 agencies looking for office work. Left traceys house on tuesday night for a hostel in Kings Cross - the strip club, prostitute area of Sydney... how pleasant! But it was the cheapest hostels i could find as all others were about $30 a night for a 20 bed dorm.... ouch! This one is $25 for a 4 bed dorm. Feels wierd being in a hostel again, and am missing Trace and Nat, but didnt want to out stay my welcome as Tracey had literally only just moved in the day we all arrived! Hostel is ok, but not loving it to be honest, everyone is a bit clique and quite young... definitely wouldnt want to stay here if i get a job. Went to the markets on Saturday bargain hunting, unfortunately not many bargains to be found. Lots of nice things but too expensive for me :( Tracey's filming the final of Aussies 'The biggest loser' at the moment (she's also a tv producer) and is being put up in a swanky hotel in the city - so me and Nat headed over there Sat night to use the pool and sauna etc... was lovely! Unfortunately had already paid for my hostel though so going to see if i can cancel Monday nights booking and stay with Tracey again and save myself $27. Tracey went to MTV awards that night (apparently work!) - unfortunately Nats and I couldnt go with her, but we made do with pizza and a skanky backpacker bar... almost as classy and im sure the people we met were celebrities in their own right!
Yesterday was fun, weather was lovely again so Nats and I put our tourist hats on and visited the wildlife park on Darling Harbour, got to see lots of aussie wildlife including more Koala which i love - cant wait to go to Australia zoo (steve irwins zoo) on the gold coast and hold one. Also saw a wombat, but he was asleep and not very photogenic. Then we headed to Bondi to check out their markets and dip our toes in the sea. Saw the famous bondi beach which looks nothing like on Bondi rescue, was much smaller than i was expecting and quite typical english seaside beach more than an aussie beach. Saw the lifeguards too, but they were swamped by people wanting their pics taken with them. Am sure that must hinder their lifesaving ... but hey!
Got arsey with hostel this morning who last night said that I can check out today and then check back in again tommorrow whilst i stay with Tracey tonight - now they've changed their minds, after ive packed all my bloody stuff up - great! So had a mardy at them and then trekked with all my stuff into town, might as well stay at Traceys and make most of pool again. Am now checking into a hostel in the city tommorrow.
Went into travel agents today as still not heard about work and am getting a bit stressed about it now. Weather wise, Oz is coming into winter and whole of east coast will start to get cold soon. Cairns and the north will stay warm so can go there anytime. Am not sure, but am thinking that I met head to Hervey Bay and do Fraser Island and work my way down to Noosa and then Brisbane whilst the weathers still warm, then I can start working in Brisbane in about a month when the weather dips. Going to mull it over this week and will let you know what i decide to do.
Anyway - god this is turning out to be the longest blog ever - sorry guys!
Hope you're all well! Send me emails or messages to let me know how you are! Oh and a big, special, congratulations to Jo who managed to send me my first message from her since i left - well done you!! haha! x
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