Happy Monday people!! Hope you all had good weekends!
Tis still rather chilly in Melbourne - but luckily the rain has eased off ... for now at least! Just a quick message as ive now added the pics from the great ocean road and time in Melbourne so far. Ok, so been pretty busy the last couple of days - hostel is really busy and has a real social vibe so theres always something going on which is cool. Met loads of really nice people - few of which are leaving tommorrow :(
Spent the past few days just checking out Melbourne really, made friends with a rather strange boy from Jersey called Kett whose a good laugh, him and I went up the 360 degree tower in the centre of melbourne where you can get views of the city from however far up in the air it is... im not sure!! Had a bit of a hangover on Thursday so other than that we didnt do much. Friday went shopping - oh god - melbourne is lethal for many fab shops, but Mum... you'll be proud of me i resisted all temptation! Went out on Friday night as one of the girls was leaving. Was such a funny night in the hostel before we went out - we were drinking Goon ... for those of you not in the know, Goon is a cheap boxed wine - 4 litres for $10 which is like 4 pound! ... only down side is, that it suspiciously says on the side of the box "Made with the aid of fish, eggs and milk, traces of these may still be contained" and then it also says - "May also contain traces of grape" .... yes it is rather worrying! But beggars cant be choosers and tis the norm amongst backpackers! So, whilst we were all getting merry off the fish juice - yes girls, you wont believe it, but the hostel whipped out Singstar Karaoke!!! Wow - it was just like a pre-town friday night at home! And yes, they did have Ashlee simpson Pieces of Me! I was in my element!
Once i was finally torn from the microphone, we made it into Melbourne city centre for a few bevvies - ended up bumping into a couple of lads from my ocean rd tour as well which was nice. No gossip though - think everyone was a bit too tipsy so stumbled home fairly early!
Went to watch an AFL game yesterday at the MCG stadium - most bizarre sport! They have 3 goals and if you get the ball (shaped like a rugby ball) through the middle goal you get 6 points and if you get it through either of the side goals you only get 1 point. Was kind of like rugby, well more so than footie! But to be honest, was quite difficult to get into - they played it in quarters and kept on having breaks... so just as you were getting into it they kept stopping! Had a quiet night in last night as were off out tonight to a Neighbours trivia night at a local pub. Its the free version, as the official tour company does one but you have to pay $40. Apparently this ones just as good. Was set up by Toadie as he's now banned from the official ones because he keeps "getting together" (I use this term for my parents benefit!) with all the backpackers - so he's set up his own - nice! So yeah basically its just a quiz with the opportunity to meet some of the neighbours cast... ooh the excitement! Also - going on the official Ramsay street tour on Wednesday ... sorry guys but it has to be done really doesnt it!
Off to meet my friend Kate in a bit, one of the girls i met on my tour up the west coast in feb, so that will be nice as not seen her for a while!
Best go! Will update with any neighbours night gossip shortly! xx
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