Woo, Woo !!!!!!!! only 7 days till your back, yipeeeeee can't wait. Hope your having loads of fun still. Just gonna catch up on your blog Jo text me the other day and said it made her cry, so will have tissues at the ready.
Dawnie xxx
Ahh your blog has just brought a tear to my eye. Sounds like an amazing experience. Well done for the trek!!! Don't think my state of unfitness would of allowed me to do it!! Can't wait to hear more about it!!
Jen xxxx
To hannah I have been in a swimming
and i have won 5 races ,I broke a record
for the club . in butterfiy. but I thought
that i was not good at butterfiy
I saw the video of you skydiving you look
scared you were waving your arms a lot
i thought that you were having fun but
probably not.
love lillie xx x x xx x x x x x
Morning Matie
How was your last day at work? I'm just at the hotel know, only one more day then 3 days off yiphee!!!! weathers ment to be nice over weekend too double yiphee. We're off to see Becky and Georgia tonight, will take some pics and give her a cuddle from you.
Have a great time meeting up with everyone in Sydney, wish I could just pop over for the weekend. Crowded House has just come on the radio which has just reminded me of there farewell to the world concert at Sydney Opera House
Take care, speak soon.
Love you loads
Heya Matie,
Just read your latest blog all sounds fab, can't believe you where lucky enough to see whales, only whale I saw just lay there ontop of water it was v/boring not worth getting sea sick for. Think have finally got over hangover from weekend, its taken it's toll on me, am blaming the cheeky cherryade cocktails Fred made, eeeugh!!!!. Look forward to catching up soon. Missing you as always.
Hey Han!! Can't wait to hear what you think of Whitsundays... one of my favourite parts of our trip. Glad to hear your still loving every minute.. and hey, your couple of days without sunshine is bliss compared to this manky weather - you'd think it was November or something! Anyway, will email properly later and fill you in on the bank holiday weekend antics - love Bxxx
Kerry Delaney
Hi stranger.
Zoo looks amazing and that koala so cuddly!!!!!
Kez XX
How bizarre I posted you a message last week and it's vanished!!!!! :(
Just depressed myself by reading your blog, am still as always very jealous, I'm bored just had last 3 days off and done nothing, my social life is pants....:( may just pack me bags and hitch me way over to oz. Went out for meal/drink with Nigel last night as his farewell he leaves 5th June, first stop South Africa giving him tips on where to go and stay has only pushed me over the edge even more. Well am off out tonight watching Lils in a swimming gala, maybe there will be a David Haselhoff lifeguard there that takes me fancy.....!!!!on the upside me stars say that romance is in the air for me next week and that I need to get out there to meet the man of me dreams. Typical am stuck at work most of week so likelyhood of that happening is slim hopefully he will still be there the following week, unless of course Brad Pitt happens to check in to Swan's, Mmm here's hoping.Look forward to seeing some pics of Koalas with bandages on, how cute.Howz your novel coming on you've had loads of inspiration.Speak soon, love and miss you muchly xxxxxx
Hey Han
Sounds like the best time ever! Finally got up to date with your blog and photo's it's all amazing. May also be out your neck of the woods for a short visit in june, though looks like may just be to Perth, though I have inspiration to do a trek upthe coast now! Hope to eventually get out there for longer.........
Hi honey!
Just read your updated blog, I now have 2 mins lunch break left!! ha ha!! only joking! Great to catch up on what you've been upto!
I have sent you an email too to catch up properly!
Speak soon....
Kez x x x
Morning Matie,
Am loving your koala photo's how cute are they, maybe you could send me one for me birthday am sure zigs would love it.....Photo's have made me very jealous as usual even with the clouds and rain. Well best go as am at work so better do some.
Speak to you soon.
Love ya
D xxxxxx
Hey Han! Just about to look at your recent pics. Hope all's well. Would be great to speak to you soon too - I'll arrange a night with the girls and email/text to let you know. Lots of love, Bx