Today Hannah is sad... I 've spent the last two weeks with my friend Beth who I met in Melbourne, and now she's gone... :(
Since my last update, I stayed with the boys in Port Macquarie for the weekend. We visited the Koala hospital on the Saturday. Was nice to see the koalas up close, and some were in bandages as they are poorly sick....cute! The guide was one of the volunteers who worked at the hospital and talked us through each koala and their story. Saw a baby koala as well which was sooo cute!
Met up with Ceri, a girl i met in Sydney. She's been travelling with a swedish guy and german girl and has been camping up the coast. They got the camping plot opposite ours in Port Mac, and on Sat night we all went out. Was a good night... apart from i insulted the german pope, which i dont think went down too well with Sophia.... ooops!! Apparently i had to be put to bed in the camper van after i fell off the seat... woke up the next morning with a piece of peanut buttered bread next to me... nice!
Just spent the rest of the time in Port Mac chilling out. I left the boys on Monday evening, catching the overnight Greyhound to Brisbane to meet Beth one of my room mates in Melbourne. The bus left at 8pm and I got in at 6am the next morning... actually wasnt as much of a killer journey as i was expecting it to be, which was a relief!
Hostel in Brisbane was lovely - had a pool and a hot tub! Spent the next 4 days in Brisbane. Didnt do loads, just had a look round the city which seems nice. First night we went to the hostel bar, Birdee Num Num.... yeah got a little too drunk, and as we hadnt had any dinner we ended up breaking into the kitchen to cook cheese on toast, which we pretty much cremated but ate anyway, then upon leaving we opened what we thought was the door to get to our room but it was a supplies cupboard. Im ashamed to say that in our slightly anebriated states we got over excited and stole copious amounts of tea towels (as you do!) - most of which Beth woke up with the next morning!!
Met my mates Jen and John on Friday night which I met on my trip up the West Coast in February... was great seeing them again and having a laugh about what happened on the trip. They have been working in Brisbane for about 8 weeks now and like it. They're staying till mid July and then heading up the east coast and have offered me to come with them and 2 of their friends which are coming over from Ireland to join them. I would like to go, but think im going to have to say no, as its not for another 6 weeks or so and I really need to get a job and dont think ill have saved enough cash by then. Anyway - we'll see, might be able to meet up with them, or book nearer the time if i change my mind.
Beth and I headed to Byron bay on Saturday which is lovely, it really is a lil' piece of paradise! Our hostel, the backpackers inn was right on the beach and had a really chilled out vibe. The beach is one of the nicest ive seen since ive been away. That night we went out, again bumped into Ceri who was in the same hostel. They had a big campfire at the hostel and we all sat around chatting and drinking the wonderous goon, they had a guy playing the guitar and it was a really nice night. Later we headed to a bar called Cheeky Monkeys were you can dance on the table tops... was very cheesey but a good night (although i woke up with a bruise on my forearm - think i may have slipped off the table!) ooops! Beth and I have come to the conclusion that it might be a good idea for me to wear padding when i go out to prevent injuries, i tell you its a wonder i've not broken anything yet!
Sunday we went on a day trip to Nimbin. Nimbin is a hippy village that was really big in the 70's. Got picked up at 10am feeling a little worse for wear! Stopped off some markets first before heading for a BBQ lunch near a waterfall which was lovely... decided not to swim though as was bloody freezing! Then in the afternoon we headed to Nimbin. Nimbin is the tiniest town, literally a strip of little shops and cafes and a museum. Well the museum was the most surreal thing ever, it was literally like the residents of Nimbin had emptied the contents of their garage / loft and just shoved any old crap they could find in their. All the old hippy men / women were walking round the museum asking if you wanted smoke... was v.surreal. Everyone got on the bus with stuff except me and Beth, felt like a right old lady...but hey! Two girls in front of us had had a couple of cookies and were absolutely hysterical all the way home. We were shattered by the time we got home that night so ended up going to the cinema to see 'What Happens in Vegas' which was good.
Chilled on the beach Monday and Tuesday which was lovely, have managed to read a couple of books to, for the first time in ages. Im sure you all think that all i do is sit on beaches but this is probably only the second time since i got to oz!! So was pure luxury, and the weather had got hotter too so we were able to get some of our tan back!
Since then it absolutely chucked it down with rain - it was like a tropical storm!
Met up with the boys again on Saturday night - they arrived in their camper van, and was cool to see them again! Didnt realise how much i missed being on the van! Went for a few drinks and then took the left over goon and camping chairs to the beach were some brazilian guys were making a fire... sat around chatting till god knows what time.
Sunday - our last day in Byron - god i felt soooo rough, and so did Beth. We had booked a surfing lesson for the afternoon... practically had to crawl there! Well not my finest hour I can tell you, not only did i not really pull of the wetsuit, resembling more of a sausage than a surfer chick, but i totally sucked at surfing! The lesson was $49 and if you didnt stand you got your money back. The instructor made this big deal about how he'd never taught anyone who hadnt stood up... well i didnt! But i was sooo mortified i didnt dare ask for my money back! I came close to standing at one point, but then the beach came quicker than i expected and i ended up belly flopping the sand which was exceedingly painful and embarassing especially in front of our instructor who just might have been the most beautiful man ive ever seen! Also managed to get the surfboard landing on my foot which is now swollen up, and killing me 4 days later... think i might have to go to the doctors...RAAAA!
Went to Surfers Paradise on Monday - bit of a hole really, its pretty much just Playa de las Americas but in Australia, and it pissed it down the entire time we were there. There's not a lot to do if its raining really, so we caught up on our reading and had a couple of nights in - yes, I know... can you believe it!
So am in Brisbane now, frantically looking for a job and place to stay over the weekend now, so will update you all as soon as i have any news.
Muchos luuurve amigos! xxx
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