God, seems like I havent written this thing for ages!! I guess its because i've just been living a normal life the past month or so really... with nothing majorly exciting to report! No crazy drunken antics (can you believe it!), no music video's, or miscellaneous injuries to report!!
So i've settled in Brisbane, and despite what many people's opinion of the city is... I like it! I wasnt sure i would as a lot of people i met travelling said it was dull and there wasnt a lot to do. But once you settle here you get to know what to do and where to go. I prefer it to Sydney to live and work in as its less frenetic and although its a lot smaller ... its still got some character to it, unlike adelaide!!
So after Beth left early June i threw myself into job hunting big time... god thats a tough sport! I've really struggled in Australia and its been a lot harder getting casual work than i thought it would be. After trying for over a month in Sydney i was confident that it would happen in Brisbane. But interview after interview with temping agencies and nothing happened... only to be told by one agency that Brisbane was one of the hardest places in Australia to get temporary work and that being the end of the financial year i would find it even more difficult. Felt pretty s*** after that as you can imagine, especially with money running out big time!
Then as if by magic the next day i got a job... Im working for Brisbane council, doing data entry which is ridiculously dull but easy work and theres plenty of it. The money is ridiculously good as well, partly because its for the government i think. But seems crazy that im on more money than i was at home doing an actual career! So been there a month now and will stay until early august i think, before heading up the east coast, as I leave Australia mid september to go to New Zealand.
On the same day as getting a job, I also found an apartment...everything seemed to fall into place at once! Apartment is right in the centre of town and about 15mins walk from work so its ideal. Its on the 15th floor and has a great view across the city and the river. Also has a pool and gym which im trying to use every day and boost the fitness levels ready for inca trail. Am sharing a room with Corinna a friend i met in the hostel, shes from near Cologne in Germany and we get on really well. We share one room, and then the other room has a brazilian girl and a french girl in. Those two seem to find me impossible to understand. So much so that Juliana the brazilian girl said the other day that my english was very strange and were was i from.... ummm ENGLAND!! Oh and then there's Gus, the bong wielding ...24/7 pot smoking... brazilian guy who owns the apartment and who most mornings can be found commatose on a matress in the lounge snoring at some high pitched decible... he's quite funny really.
Its nice living in brisbane as my mates Jen and John who I met back in feb live just across the river. Have seen lots of them since i arrived here which has been great. Yesterday I had the day off work and we went to Australia Zoo (Steve Irwins zoo) which was brilliant. Me and Jen were like kids at Christmas we were sooo excited! I couldnt sleep the night before! The zoo's great, but theres too much to see in one day really. The live Crocoseum show was probably the best thing, and even better as that day Terri Irwin was doing the show. Bindi and Bob, the kids, were there too. That night we all went out for dinner and a few drinks when we got back which was nice. Tonight were off out as Jen and John and there friend Mark from home, head up the coast tommorrow for 3 weeks. They'll be back at the end of July so hopefully get to catch up with them again quickly before i head off travelling again! Saw Beth again the other week as she was passing through Brisbane before heading off to Sydney. Had a good night out and was really sad when had to say goodbye. Really going to miss her... but know that we'll meet up again once im home. Cant believe she's going home in 3 weeks!! Spoke to her last night and shes in perth with family again before she flys home.
Oooh by the way i booked my South America trip. Spent much time deliberating about whether to travel on my own or book a trip... was really torn. But in the end i became a bit of a scaredy cat and decided to book a trip. I fly into Chile towards the end of October and ill make my own way from there to Lima in Peru, but then i get a 26 day tour which does the inca trail, bolivia and then ends in Buenos Aires, Argentina (full itinerary if your interested... ). I then have about 3 weeks to make my own way to Brazil before i fly home just before christmas - cant wait!! Am sooo excited for that part of my trip!
Miss you all - be great to hear from you!
Hannah x x
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