We're now in Fjordland proper staying in a village called Flam. We drove up from Bergen yesterday in bright sunshine but still very cold but as there was a blue sky Gordon insisted on wearing shorts again, and has been the subject of much Norwegian hilarity ever since !
The route took us along the Hardanger fjord (see photo below) and rose to altitudes of >1000m so there was plenty of snow about - in fact we passed several ski fields ! It was very beautiful with frozen lakes and snow�covered�houses�so now Gordon is trying to claim credit for planning this deliberately! (GF - correct I knew Norway in April was a good plan, v. quiet for a start, we've been the only people staying at most of the campsites, so no queues for the toliets)
Today it is much warmer which is highlighted by the fact it is raining - but hey, ho, we wouldn't have all the beautiful waterfalls to look at if it didn't rain ! They are everywhere - Gordon said he counted 73 today which I think was a lie but there are certainly a lot of them. We mustered our ancestral Scottish tolerance for crap weather and went out anyway. We took a 100 year old train up the Flam valley and then walked back down.
There are pictures uploaded to get a quick insight, though you'll have to use your imagination for the colour of the water as it didn't come out very well. At the start of the walk we were quite high up and thought there was thunder, but it was the noise of the ice cracking and dropping down from the top of the mountains as it thawed !
Planning to go further North tomorow into glacier country...
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