We decided that as we were so close in the Mosel valley we would pop over for a quick visit to Luxembourg, especially as the clement weather situation was continuing - bloody hot in fact! We stayed in a luxurious campsite next to a little town about 25km north of Luxembourg city. Though everywhere in Luxembourg is about 25km from Luxembourg city as it is tiny! Nice though and they have tried to make it interesting by giving each bit a different name. We were staying in "Little Switzerland". Didn't work out quite why it was called that though there were some nice cows and it was quite expensive! They also have their own language but as no one else would bother to learn something spoken by so few people - bit like Welsh I suppose? -  they all speak French and German as well They are also very good on public toilets - at least in my experience - and the shower/toilet block in our campsite was an experience - see the photo-  and the showers had more k*** than a thing with lots of k*** on!
We only spent one full day there but did quite a bit with a nice cycle through the countryside - too many long winding hills for my liking but still nice - visited the ruined chateau in Larochette near the campsite, had a swim in the huge and almost empty campsite pool and then went into Luxembourg city for the evening. We had a nice wander, its a very pretty city set high above two rivers, and then had a nice but not cheap dinner. Oh dear, belt tightening on the cards again!
We would have stayed another day but the weather turned grey and cool so it was a good day for travelling and we took advantage with a 550km drive across Germany to Nuremberg so see you in the next update.
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