Its good to see that all those years in various County pubs has paid off and you can now beat Alisha at pool! Hope you have good day on Saturday. I hope to play golf on Sunday weather permitting!
Love the Hat
Hiya hon. Another great batch of pictures to look through. Under a week until Ayers Rock - very Jealous! I have a trip to Ikea to look forward to this weekend which doesnt quite have the same ring to it hehe... Take care.. Love Si x x
I guess the answer to that is no then. Thanks Mum hehe. Usual trim ey? I bet he looks like Robbie Williams... through frosted glass haha only kidding! I know I want to but Im really scared of the sharks/jellyfish ahhh! Ill see when I get to Cairns... Only 6 days until I go to Ayres Rock wahoo! xxx
Hmmmm, not sure how to answer that - we'll have that conversation in private!! Saw Dan last night - he called in for his usual trim - looked reasonably handsome by the time I'd finished with him! Not quite as good as the Stone Fish, tho - I scuba dived to within a couple of feet of one of them - not at all remarkable to look at but touch its spine and you've had it. Much better behind solid glass. Don't let that put you off tho - you can't really miss out on a dive in Oz. Nothing like getting up close and personal. xxx
Mum, you are not meant to say that and agree with Kev! He will get big headed now. I do not think the world revolves around me! I really hope I don't, that is very selfish. Be honest though, for all my faults would you love me without them? x
I can see that J, S and A are thoroughly spoiling you with all these wonderful trips out. How very kind of them and what a thrill for you. If there's one thing I really envy you for, it's seeing the wildlife and vegetation - a blue wren, how fantastic is that! And you don't get to see dams every day of the week either. You lucky girl. I must agree with Kev, though, the t-shirt couldn't be more apt! xxx
Looks like you had a great time today, those parrots would scared the hell out of me!sorry havnt emailed you yet, work has been busy, sending you one tonight re all thing dresses and colours!!!!
Not going to buy that t-shirt hehe, you don't need it written down to know that the world revolves around me... you should know that by now haha xx
Keep the updates coming. Think we are getting the Perth weather here now, wind and rain today, its horrible!! The only positive about the weather means the England Vs Australia game may get rained off today to save us another hammering!!
the pictures look really good but you must go back and buy that t-shirt, i have it as my screen saver at work now it makes me laugh that much!
Enjoy the Aquarium tomorrow.
Hi guys,
Im glad you are having fun reading my blog. Kev scored the equaliser ey? Great stuff. Never seen him play football so Im sure that was quite funny. Gem don't worry I have brought other clothes it was just really cold and required jeans and a jumper and I knew that outift would keep me warm lol. Aaron is doing IT programming and has just moved into a flat with his gf Debra. Alisha is a year 4 school teacher and living at home with Stephena nd Jayne... saving money to move out. Great news about the dresses Em. I will have a look at the webiste in a sec but Im glad you and Kim have found one's you like. Anything is fine with me. I am trying to lose weight so hopefully that will help hehe. Definately like the full length dress idea though. Keep me updated though. BTW I am going to try and get an Aussie sim when I get to Cairns to make the Texts and hopefully calls a bit cheaper.
Lots of Love to all xxx
I quite agree, Daniel, this blog business is completely addictive. I've gone from loathing mobiles to texting like mad and rushing to the PC every day to catch the updates and pics. Can't wait for the next one Gem!
Hi Gem, phots of perth look fab! loving the fatface jumper!it looks like its keeping you nice and warm in all that windy weather!!! Had a good day today, when i went back into the shop i wasn't to sure about the coulour, it looked somehow greyer!!!I had seen a couple of others on the dessy website which kim tried on today and loved! Ive sent you an email link to it (the colour is saphire blue so a bit darker) its a stunning dress which i think will suit all! let me know what you think? Im happy for you all to wear different styles as long as they are same colour! Anyways glad ur having a good time, already looking forward to your next steps xxx (ps will send you an email about all of today so as not to bore evryone else with it! he he x)