Arrived in Namba and exited the sation, took a little while to get my bearings but we found the hotel OK. Note for next time don't rely on Google street view entirely, as a shop I was using as a landmark was goooone. Which brings me to the hotel. Japanese hotels always have small rooms, read any travel blog on the web and a westerner will always bemoan the size of the room. This room however was built by disgruntled hotel architects sick and tired of being ridiculed by world travellers as a form of pay back, along the the lines of "So you think our hotels are small do you?...There not small.....this is small!" I am not kidding, if you are in the shower you can take a leak in the hi tech dunny, brush your teeth in the basin and shut the door, all without leaving the shower cubicle. A tour de force in miniature hotel room design so I guess hats off to old mate who designed it. Other than the size it's a nice place pretty modern and the location is great as it's only 5 min walk from where Marc and I stayed last year so getting around will be a snap. Sean was deperate to try a bowl of Ramen but I had promised Marc we would not go to our regular place until he arrived. So we went on a search and found another place that had Gyoza and more importantly beer. Each Ramen place bases there broth on differant things the place we went last night uses sesame. Sean absolutely loved it. I had a taste myself and it was delicious. Going to take it easy today maybe go see a movie and wait for Marc to get here.
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