We arose on Friday the 10th February after enjoying a nice lie in, in a proper bed. We then tried to ring Wicked to get our car registration sorted and kept getting fobbed off, finally they said they would ring back on Monday after they had sorted it out. In the evening we headed out with Terry, Suze and Jordan to the lovely Chinese restaurant again then on to the central market.
On the Saturday we spent most of the day sorting posters out for selling the car and advertising it on Gumtree. On 12th February we arose and headed to church in the morning, then had a lazy afternoon playing on the wii.
Monday the 13th (Rachel's Birthday) we had a lie in then after sorting car bits out (where we got no where) we headed down to Glenelg Beach for some chips and ice cream. We then headed back, and Suze was round to wish Rachel a Happy Birthday, we then headed out with Terry and Cheryl for a delicious Indian meal. We then headed back for a couple of drinks before bed.
On Tuesday we got up and headed to the cinema to see 'The Vow' for Valentines Day. We then headed back and started cooking a couple of Curry's as Terry and Cheryl every year do a double date with a couple of there friends where the boys or girls take alternative years to organise. This year Terry had asked if I would cook a curry and Rachel would play the piano and dress in Indian clothes. It was great fun, cooking together then serving while Rachel played a few songs on the Piano. We then joined them for a lovely Valentines Day Meal and a good chat.
The Wednesday (15th) we headed into Adelaide town centre again to see Wicked and try get the registration sorted, once again they were unprepared and useless, so we didn't get any further. After a potter around town we headed back and had dinner before watching 'My Kitchen Rules' followed by the great film 'Life as a House'.
On Thursday we headed back into town to try and sort out the car AGAIN. We got slightly further this time as they did a service on it but still did not get the registration sorted. But we did get a nice walk around town and got to look around the Arts exhibition museum. We then headed back and cooked up dinner, Suze and Jordan popped round so we had a nice chat before watching 'My Kitchen Rules'.
On the Friday we headed off with Terry and Cheryl to York Peninsula where Jenny and Chris live. First we headed to Chris's Shack…….which wasn't what we thought it would be, the term shack is obviously used differently here as to in England, we would say luxury holiday home lol. We then had a short walk along the coast and saw dolphins playing in the sea. We drove around the south of the Peninsula before stopping at a lovely beach, which had a million stairs down the cliff to get too. We had a walk along the beach playing on the rocks and putting our big toe in the cold water. We then headed to Cadina to Jenny's and Chris's home which is lovely. In the evening we headed out to a nice restaurant for dinner with all you can eat salad bar mmmmmm, before we went to see Jenny play and win basketball. We then relaxed with a glass of wine.
The following day we went round the local area with Cheryl, Jenny and Chris, seeing the area of the copper triangle. We went for a drive in Chris's 4x4 on a beach, then he showed us some massive houses around the area, before pointing out there plot of land and then heading to a house viewing. It was a lovely humongous house and half the price it would have been back home, made us very jealous. We then headed to a beach and got some chips and a sandwich before heading to the beach to have a quick cool down swimming in the sea. We then headed back towards Adelaide and popped round Suze's and Jordan's for a fun games night of 'Balderdash' and 'Thank God you where here'.
On the Sunday we went to Church in the morning then played some table tennis and on the wii, then watched a film. Before having a tasty cheese sauce vegetable and bacon dinner, then skyping home for a catch up.
Monday 20th was a frustrating day of being on and off the phone to wicked trying to get stuff sorted, while watching a couple of films. Tuesday we decided to skip the phone calls and headed straight into town, after waiting around for a while and rushing back and forth between Wicked and the registration office we finally got it sorted. We straight away got a phone call from someone asking to look at the car, we hurried back and spent the next half hour trying to answer the persons questions, I say trying as the guy spoke very little English so it was very difficult trying to answer his questions, after a scary test drive he decided it wasn't the car for him. The rest of the week was spent trying to sell the car by parking it in different areas. We had some nice evenings with Terry and Cheryl and on Thursday night Suze and Jordan popped round too and we cooked Mexican, then had some very tasty Cheesecake Ice Cream that Cheryl had made mmmmmm.
On the Friday (24th) evening we headed into town with Terry, Cheryl, Suze and Jordan and went to the tasty Chinese restaurant again, getting a photo with the owner and chef to remember it by, then onto the Central Market for the last time. On Saturday (25th) we parked the car in a area to advertise it and spent the day planning stuff for New Zealand. We went to pick up the car and had a parking fine for not parking straight, ahhhhh. We then got a text from someone asking to see the car so we headed into town to show it off. They said they would have a think about it then get back to us. We then parked up opposite a backpackers and headed to the Garden Party, part of the Adelaide Fringe. We had a walk around seeing the stalls and fair ground then sat and had cheesy Nan chip buttes. We then headed over to another park and saw some of the 'Symphony under the stars', very impressive to lesson to while walking along the river and watching the black swans at night. We then headed back towards the car while they played the Star Wars Theme tune. We then headed back for bed.
On Sunday 26th we arose and headed to church then had a communal lunch before heading back to the house. In the afternoon all the family arrived and we had a nice afternoon tea party as a final farewell to everyone in Adelaide. It was quite sad to be saying goodbye to people again. We then had an evening in watching a film before skyping home.
On Monday 27th we spent the day pottering and left the car to advertise it… no phone calls. That evening Jenny popped round briefly, so we said our final goodbyes to her. On Tuesday we spent the day pottering and left the car to advertise it…no phone calls. Suze and Jordan came round for dinner that evening and we said our final goodbyes to them. On Wednesday we decided we had to get rid of it as we'd booked a relocation campervan for Thursday to get to Sydney. So we drove around a few dealers to see if they would take the car. The first place we visited the guy inspected the car, asking what we wanted for it. We said about $700, and he seemed quite positive. He told us to go to another garage to show it to the owner. There, the owner took one look and said hmmm $250 max. Nooo. So we drove round some more. We pulled into another garage and we said the $700 again. The man then started saying that the car pretty much only had a short life span and we started to get downhearted, but that he'd give us $500 for it. Still a lot lower than we wanted but better than $250! We decided to just accept his offer and then enjoy the rest of the day. Terry kindly came to pick us up and then we relaxed for the afternoon. That evening we had some roast lamb mmm and enjoyed our last evening with Terry and Cheryl.
On the Thursday morning we woke and said our goodbyes first to Cheryl. Then Terry kindly took us to the campervan depot to pick up our van. We had to hang around for a bit so we said our goodbyes to Terry. After over an hour after having an iced coffee, checking the van for scratches, and filling out paperwork we set off in the van. We had a quick stop to pick up our stuff then on we drove to Sydney. Was very sad leaving we'd felt so at home. Thankyou so much again for having us.
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