After leaving Terry and Cheryl's a bit later then hoped on the Thursday we headed on our way, thankfully with Sat Nav to guide us. We drove solidly for the rest of the day, just stopping to switch drivers and to pee. We had a bit of a scare when the petrol light came on a bit earlier then we had expected it to and we had to drive for another 90km's before the next town. We checked our phones which had no signal so spent the drive holding our breath, counting down the km's and working out how long it would take us to walk the remainder of the way and back with some petrol if we broke down. Thankfully it made it to the petrol station, just. After topping up we noticed it was starting to get a bit dark so checked the clock and decided to call it a day. We pulled into a campsite and set up the car for the night, then cooked some pasta for dinner whilst getting bitten to death by mosquito's. After dinner we had a quick shower to save time the next day and then curled up in the back of the campervan and pulled the door shut for the night.
The next day the alarm went off, we pulled the curtain back and looked out the window, it was still pitch black and the moon was still up. After hitting the snooze button a few times we caved and got up, quickly freshened up, grabbed some wheat biscuits and were on our way. It was another long day of nothing apart from driving and stopping to pee. We finally arrived in Sydney and were about 10 minutes from Greg and Kim's. The plan was to drop our stuff off then head over and drop the car off, we looked at the time and thought we may make it. Then we missed the turning we were supposed to take…… the Sat Nav then decided to give up completely and didn't even try and re-route us. So 2 minutes later we were heading over the Sydney Harbour Bridge……. Towards the big sign saying TOLL, ahhhhhh stress levels went through the roof as we tried to work out where we were and where we wanted to be. Thankfully Rachel managed to get us back across the bridge and shortly after we found Greg and Kim's. They had left the key behind the main desk so we picked it up and headed up to dump the stuff. After a few minutes of trying to open the door we dumped some stuff outside and went to get some more. After 3 trips up and down and trying to open the door we were close to leaving the stuff just in the corridor when finally the door popped open. We quickly threw it all in then jumped back in the car. By this point we were running late so text the drop off place, thankfully they said don't worry and half an hour later we handed over the keys to a nice lady who not only said 'don't worry about the Toll charge', they would pay it, but also gave us a lift to the station.
After a short train trip then a massive walk from the train station to the flat (about 1 minute walk) we knocked on the door and had a nice evening catching up with Greg and Kim and having take away pizza mmmm
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