It's been over a week since I last wrote an entry. I was hoping to write this one yesterday but they cut off my Internet early. I'm not really sure why I've taken this long to write another one. I've simultaneously not really done much, but done heaps at the same time. In terms of doing some more touristy sightseeing kind of stuff I haven't really done anything, but I've managed to be quite busy most nights.
The language course ended up being quite pointless in terms of actually improving my German, but it was still totally worthwhile just because without it I wouldn't have met the guys I did. From the first or second day of it our group was almost inseparable. Everyday after class we would go get lunch (the Schnell Restaurant became our place despite only ever eating there once; we have a pact to meet back there in 10 years time). Then we would make sure we had enough cold beers in the fridge.
Then at night it was the drinking. In someone's room, down by the river, just sitting on a street corner, it didn't really matter. It was a great time anywhere. This was pretty much how most nights went. On one night, I think it was Thursday, we decided to mix thing up by going bowling. This ended up being an awesome decision because it was one of the best nights we had.
It was with Yavie, Patricia and Genaro. After getting something to eat Yavie was able to talk us out of paying for the shoe hire then we got a an for an hour. The bowling was fun, but it was the pool we decided to play afterwards which was the real highlight. Patricia had never played before, so there was a bit of teaching going on early. We were playing doubles, me and Genaro v Patricia and Yavie. We only planned on playing an hour, but after we were tied 2-2 we needed a deciding match. And boy, what a deciding match it was. This game alone must have gone about an hour. Me and Genaro were onto the 8 while the other still had 3 or 4 balls left. But through shrewd tactical play and the uncanny ability of Patricia to always put the white ball where we least wanted it (and Gennaro's uncanny ability to always give Patricia a foul) we weren't able to sink it and eventually lost the game.
The weekend just gone was the Dresden Stadtfest, which is basically a town festival which takes over the Altstadt and all along the river. There were stages set up for music, 100s of booths selling food, drinks, and all sorts of other crap. This was just another moment which really emphasised the difference of culture between Germany and Australia.
Yavie bought a 20 pack of beer for like $10 and we had a pre-party in my room with snacks. One in particular was currywurst flavored chips, damn they were good. Then it was on to the Stadtfest.
The night started a little slow, but after a while we found a drum band playing in the street with quite a large crowd gathered around watching. After a few minutes of watching the girls; Patricia and Christina; decided to get involved. Next thing you know we were all dancing and jumping around in front of the audience. At some point we had a coke bottle which we drummed against. And from this point on it was all party, bier and wurst.
The night gets a little hazy, but what I do remember was dancing at a concert stage until they stopped playing then running into a bunch of German's visiting from Leipzig. For whatever reason we decided to join them, though they didn't seem to have any more idea of what to do or where to go than we did. We found ourselves in some crappy nightclub where I don't think we stayed very long before leaving and finding our way home.
Saturday was a bit of recovery and then another pre-party which ended up going all the way to 11:30 before we headed into town again for Stadtfest part 2. It ended up quite uneventful compared to the first night. Maybe we were taking it easy because we knew we were going to Konigstein the next day.
- comments
Rosemary Thomas Glad to read you're settling in well Gary! Your German will improve without you realising now you're living over there. Advanced 1 is quite a step up from Intermediate 2 ich muss mehr üben! Viele Gruesse Rosemar
Rosemary Thomas Oops typo meant to sign off "Viele Gruesse Rosemary"!