Chad the Australian was going north to the airport at Bozeman 90 miles away so was able to give me a lift there.
It was a beautiful journey as the first part was still in Yellowstone Park with the road following the river and still blue sky. I thought that I would be able to get transportation from the airport. Wrong. Even a taxi into town was outrageously expensive. So I hitched a lift with a couple of hunters and the daughter of one of them. They were happy to take me into Bozeman. Found the bus station but it was closed for another 2 hours. I left my bags in the motel across the road and they took me into town where they dropped me off at the Apple shop in the hope that they would look at my phone. They were no help. Walked a mile or so to another shop but gave up. Stopped at an Arby's and had a good tasty fresh sandwich for a change. I asked about busses back to the station and the manager kindly drove me.
Yes, the kindness of strangers.
Now waiting at the bus office for bus to Missoula the 4 hour ride is a hefty $63. No wonder Megabus does so well.
The bus journey was lively as 5 young lads were chatting away and they brought me into the conversation. Nobody had met before but everyone friendly. It sounds odd but 2 of them had been in prison and one had just been out for the first time in 3 years. He told me that it was a failed robbery and he had a gun. He had been into drugs but was clean now and determined to go straight. Another nice clean good looking chap was chatting to me. He was involved with the ironman triathlons and had travelled a lot all his life as his mother was a catholic missionary.
I was trying to get to a place called Whitefish in Glacier National Park where I could take the northern train. He offered to drive me there which was ridiculous as it would be 2hours there and 2 hours back for him and his girlfriend.
I then took another bus to Spokane which was due to arrive at 1.20am and the train was due to leave at 1.30am. Actually with the time change it was 2.20am and 2.30am. So I was a little anxious in case I missed the train and then would be stuck in the middle of the night.
Anyhow the bus arrived early and the train left late so all ok.
Now will be spending 2 nights on the train to Chicago. Have the double seat to myself and m getting the hang of setting up the footrest to be comfortable.
Have just had a game of crib with 8 cards which is more fun than the usual 6.
Also, nearly made myself unpopular with a war veteran when I didn't agree with him that Americans are just peacekeepers and so on.
In the morning it was misty at first and then cleared up so we had views of Glacier National Park.
Now travelling across flat plains. The weather is fine but cloudy. I have been really lucky with the weather.
Second night on train. Getting the hang of it. Changing time zones- doesn't matter when just sitting on a train.
Now past St Paul Minneapolis, again brilliant sunshine alongside the Mississippi River.
Quite a few Amish people with their fascinating old fashioned clothes hairstyles and hats. Their children delightfully happy and polite.
The train is delayed by 3 hours probably because of repair works for flooding that occurred 3 weeks ago.
Now travelling beside beautiful lakes and river system. There are cute little houses in the woods beside the lakes. Some tatty ones too. Now in Minnesota going in to Wisconsin.
America is vast and there is so much beauty. Feeling philosophical and listening to good old Neil Diamond on my IPhone which seems to be working again.
- comments
Pat Lee Just read all your blogs, usually see them on face book but for some reason not many of them came through.i It all sounds interesting but gruelling? Hope you are enjoying yourself? It sounds more difficult than travelling in third world country? Look forward to more blogs. XX
Tina Stern Ha! Jimmy frantically 'looking up' 8 card crib!