Didn't we have a luvverly time the day we went to Bangor la la la.
rather than wait 4 hours at Boston bus station I took an earlier bus which was going halfway to Portland. The driver said why didn't I stay at Boston to wait for my bus I said I didn't want to. When we reached Portland it turned out the bus was continuing along the coast so I asked the ticket office If I could do that and they said yes and ask the driver. I said he said to ask you. So it went on. The man came out and asked for me again and the driver moaned and reluctantly agreed. When we reached where I thought he was finishing, it turned that we were driving onto Bangor anyway! He must have felt guilty after that as he became sweetness and light and suggested I sit in the front for better views. He then told me how he had been shot and bayoneted in Vietnam.
It was a pretty journey passing yet another place called Falmouth and other nice little towns and villages. So many ornate wooden clapperboard houses.
Took a taxi to Travelodge $60 inc breakfast.
At breakfast chatted with Korean mature student who was going to Acadia Island and he said that I could go with him. Drove 1 hour to pretty Bay Harbour and then round the island and up Cadillac Mountain. This was named after a Frenchman who also gave his name to the luxury car.
It was bitterly cold up there despite the brilliant sun and there were remnants of snow.
We drove back to Bangor where I was hoping to get a Greyound bus to somewhere interesting. But the only journeys were back in the direction I had come from.
So Chris the Korean chap drove me back to Portland where I took a taxi to Travelodge and he drove on towards Buffalo where he lives and studies film and literature.
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