My son Bernard had told me of a good spot to wild camp in Heidelberg just across the river next to a grassy area.
It was pleasantly busy with people enjoying themselves relaxing or playing games. There was no loud music, although there was a skateboarder doing his thing on a ramp under the bridge until 12am.
In the evening I walked about 2kms to the old town. Had a really delicious meal. Hard to describe but it was a local mushroom dish made into a huge ravioli and sliced. Also a well thought out salad mix. That and a beer and a gorgeous waiter came to €8.
Had a busy day today. Cycled to the old bridge and left the bike which by the way has stopped the noise after I stood up, something cracked and clonged and now is fine.
Over the old bridge is a strange brass monkey as shown in the picture. Apparently if you touch the mirror you will become wealthy and the fingers you will return to Heidelberg.
Asked at Tourist office for wifi place. She told me of 2 places. The first didn't exist and the second was only if you uses their computers or your lead which I didn't have. Tried at McD which didn't work either. By now we had walked the couple of kms back on the other side of the river.
Walked back again and had lunch of breaded fish with loads of green salad and an ice cold apple juice. That also came to €8 which was very reasonable and a good location near the tourist office. Then I found that I could get wifi there. After having walked 5 kms in the heat it i could gave gone across the road. It was terribly hot and humid.
Took a ? Train up to the castle. There were many tourists. Looked round a pharmacy exhibition. Then went to go in another exhibition but no dogs were allowed. After wandering around the wall I took the tram thing up to the King's Chair.
On the way up I chatted with a family from Myanmar. Walking around the top I talked with an American fellow and his wife and son. He had been born in Heidelberg and now was here working for a week.
After a while decided to walk back and I couldn't see my bike. Kept walking and looking but nothing. Walked back to the van and was certain it must have been nicked- after all it wasn't even locked.
I needed to be sure and left Sach in the van as I thought she must be tired. I certainly was. On the way treated myself to a yoghurt ice cream with fruit and smarties. Just before the bridge was a clump of bikes and in amongst them was my little one. I was so amazed and still don't understand how I missed it before.
Now sitting on a bench across from the van and swigging from one of those little bottles of wine. I really do have the makings of a tramp!
- comments
Liability I've been to Heidleberg> My only memories were the diffrerence between old and new parts.
Jane & Gilly Sounds as though you're having a great and interesting time Charlotte. See you soon; thanks for the card xx
Tina et al Never been to Heidelberg, but know what a ? train is called! Funicular- funny word I've always thought- they have one in Ljubljana to their castle. Hope your shoulder is feeling better still. We're off to Maribor Thursday. xxxx