George's World Travels
Had quite an eventful morning. Went rock hunting around the gers, found some quite pretty ones. Whe came back fire was lit and as was cold Victoria and I stood around it, minutes later thouh we discovered Victoria had stood a little too close and had melted her trousers! There were two main holes! Then a bit later when we were trying to light something, Victoria used some loo roll only for it to quickly go up in big flames! She dropped it on the table, trying to put it out to no avail. Took quite a few minutes before flames died down. Bit scary but very funny.
Once in the van we had 5 hours of driving to Buyanzag, 'the Flaming Cliffs' named due to the image of the sun setting behind them, making the look on fire. On our drive we saw a big eagle just iting by the side of the road. THought it was a massive rock for ages. Was cool to see, missed the photo opportunity though :( For a break we stopped at a ger and had some tea wih camels milk and camel cheese stuff (disgusting!). We also saw the 'zag' trees. The image from the hill was like that looking into a ovie set! Was so strange. Looked so ureal! See pictures.
Finally we got to Buyanzag. AMAZING. An untouched Ayers Rock. We had a guide come a bit of the way with us and show us a dinosaur fossil. Was really cool. Of a head and neck. Again see pics. He said it may have been a raptor.My favourite! He also demonstrated to us how to tell if a rock was a fossil or not. You have to lick it. If it sticks to your tounge then it is. A little strange, yes. We all found a little piece of fossil. However Valerie went all out and for the following 2 hours was licking practically every rock vaguely looking like it could be a fossil. Was pretty funny to watch. I got a photo! Proudly, she managed to find 4 fossils I think.
After the guide covered up the fossil again so wouldnt be found and stolen, we were left to wander for 2 hours. We all climbed up quite high. Rachel, Victoria and I climbe to the very top level. Was amazing views. It was really nice just to sit down, take in the views and the silence. So peaceful up there, with just the occaional bird song interupting it. Luckily
I found a much easier way to get down, very gradual slope :)
We stayed in a ger camp again that night, just a short drive from the cliffs. Am so glad I visited them. Its so unbelievable that so few ppl get to see their beauty.
And that concludes the main part of the. Just had to get back to UB...
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