George's World Travels
So only after a few hours drive we arrived at Yoyn Am, the canyon with ice in almost all year round. It's part of the massive Nature Reserve down the South Gobi. It wasn't quite what I expected (ie miles deep of ice) but nevertheless it was very beautiful. Rachel, Victoria and I climbed up most of a mountain/hill. We got some great pics, especially of us each sitting laid back on the rocks with the ice and the other hills in the background. Everything was so big up there. Dizzying views. It was pretty steep going up so quite daunting coming back down! We mostly slid down on our bums, pushing with our hands.
After having some lunch in the van us three went out for another walk to a different part of the place away from the ice, while Valerie and Ingrid had something to eat. Am really glad we went out again. Was beautiful and saw lots of Pikas, little rodent like creatures, all over the place and got some good pics of them. Also had some getting to know you chats with the other two. Finding out more about their lives in the UK and stuff. Was rerally interesting. Oh and Victoria and I also saw what we think wa a volture flying in the sky. That was cool.
When we got back to the entrance to the canyon, where we stayed in a guest ger, we went to the museum. Yes there was a museum and even a souvenir shop. Very impressive! The museum was like a smaller verion of the Natural History Museum in UB. Lots of stuffed animals and dinosaur fossils. There was also quite a few animal skins on the walls which was gross.
Through the evening Victoria and Valerie went horse riding, and apparently Victorias horses bolted and started cantering down a hill, ignoring Victorias requests to break using the reins. There was a guy on a horse with them so he managed to stop the horse. Rachel and I went for a walk and watched some of the sunset. Ingrid stayed in all evening trying to help Gana complete a crossword, based on the theme of capital cities around the world. Whenever Ingrid didnt know an answer, and to be fair, they were quite obscure places, Gana would say, 'Why not??!' Ignoring the fact that he too did not know the answer. This happened numerous times, and thought he quite rude really. And even when Ingrid or someone else did definately know an answer it didnt fit, so he replied 'no'.
I got hardly any sleep that night, due to Ganas very loud snoring! Drove me absolutely crazy! I have no tolerance for snorers! Everyone else was freezing cold too, but luckily I felt ok.
On to the sand dunes...
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