Greetings people! This is a joint blog today, brought to you on behalf of Gemma Samways and James Coxon.
After a relaxing, although slightly expensive, sojourn in a hotel in Townsville (where we enjoyed the delights of limitless tea and the film 'Step Up', a searing insight into the power of dance - think Dirty Dancing but from the ghetto), we caught the morning ferry to Magnetic Island. The island itself is very beautiful and we spent a good few hours soaking up the sun and views of the turquoise sea from a beach near to our accommodation. Jim found it very wierd reading 19th century Dickens about squalor and slums whilst being surrounded by such utopian scenery.
Talking of slums... our accommodation is a bit of a w*nkpile (can you tell Jim is dictating this?!). It's located right on the beach with incredible views but is actually an 18-30s holiday park. The smell of VD is in the air...
But we're hitting the road tomorrow on hire bikes to get away from the chavs and explore the island. It's a bit of a culture shock coming from the neon craziness of Japan to the sunsoaked laziness of Oz. But I'm sure given time we'll adjust, although I am massively craving sushi. Just got to brave two sleeps at Base Backpackers and then we'll be back on the road.
All motivational messages will be greatly appreciated.
Love you all x x x
P.S. Quote of the day "I'm sure I just saw Clive James" (followed by Jim saying "Gemma, you're an idiot")
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