Whizzing though Tuscany in a little european car with my 2 "besties" from school (a Japanese student & a Hungarian nun) & with an Italian priest singing at top volume to Pavarrotti is an experience I will never forget...crazy..felt like a scene from a movie! We were returning from a wonderful day in Assisi exploring the town famous for Italy's patron saint... San Francesco. The Italians adore him & are fiercely proud that the new pope has named himself after this saint who is famous for living a simple life without riches, for his kindness to the poor (most Italians feel they fit into this category) & his love of nature & the environment. Italy, having been without a government for so long really look to the pope as a leader, even when they are not religious. Who wouldn't after 20 years of Berlusconi & his bunga clubs!
Italy is in full spring splendor after the heavy rains. The hills in tuscany where we are staying are bright green (like in Ireland) & full of wild poppies! Right in time for Anzac day too. It's a tough gig but someone has to do it!
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