Adventures of Gamblegirl
Date 13 Feb 04
Adventures of Gamblegirl: Sad news
In sad and hearbreaking news, the most controversial breakup has happened since Bennifer bit the dust, Barbie and Ken have broken up.
Reminiscent of Meg and "Go Russell Go" Crowe, an Australian man has played a significant part. Blaine the boggieboard - it's enough to make Barbie's plastic bits melt. So obviously Ken couldn't cut it any more. I mean the poor girl's held out for how long and he can't even commit?
Or maybe it's the plastic soldered on y-fronts that Barbie just could not take any more. I mean to be wearing the same underpants for how long? Has to be a major put off doesn't it? (As compated to Ken having no "bits").
So Barbie's cut him loose. It's a sad, sad day for those with a Ken and a Barbie...
(and as hard as I try I can not keep a straight face writing this. I can't believe that this is like first few pages news!!! Really people - they are dolls!!! And to the pathetic losers that are contributing to the poll of why they broke up - GIT A LIFE!!!)
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