Adventures of Gamblegirl
Date: 27 May 2003
Adventures of Gamblegirl - Edinburgh been and conquered!!!
Greetings all
Hope all is fine and well. All are dandy in the big game of life??? Am an excited girl in that my football time is sitting just outside the 8 and above Essendon. Surely there must be an apocalypse due for that has to be the first sign!!!!!
All is well for this chick. She's been busy as can be. Have been on the Beatles Mystery tour around London and yes had the photo taken on Abbey Road!!! I know - am a walking tourist cliche!!!! Also went and scoped out Harrods. Oh. My. God!!! Talk about full on!!!!! How deluxe is that!!! The food hall itself was just beyond words. Of course had to go to the bathroom there. Even that was swish!!!!!
Then it was off to Edinburgh for the long weekend. I think that May is becoming my favourite month with its two long weekends. So in the tradition of Bec taking advantage of the long weekends, she headed up to Edinburgh. I know that I sound like I am repeating myself, but it's sooooo pretty!!!! (I think that this might be a response to everywhere I go except for London. It's not THAT pretty but love being here!!! Am just warning you now!!). It's so gorgeous with all the old buildings against the back ground of the mountains.
The Scots are so lovely too. Compared to London, everyone was so friendly and - gasp - I received some customer service and WITH A SMILE!!!! Almost brought this little traveller undone. Oh and if you love a pub - Edinburgh is for you. Although had the best fish and chips there (yes it was a boneless fish and I got bones Maz and Jonno!!! Just to keep up the tradition) as well as the best chicken Kiev. Yummmmmmmm. And the fudge that I bought!! Steph - go to the fudge shop. They do free samples and then you can buy. Also when you go, let me know because have the name of the best hostel which is just off Royal Mile.
The castle was awesome. The views, the history, the architecture, I think somewhere around the trip home I managed to pick up my jaw. I could have easily spent ages in there, even just sitting and admiring the view but with 2 days, this little traveller with her musketeers (including a new one - welcome aboard Cecilia) must go on.
It was off to the Whiskey Distillery Brewery. I have never drunk whisky in my life nor up until then, really wanted to. I am proud to say that I am a VODKA girl. I didn't even get a drop on my tongue and URGGHHH. Yup VODKA girl all the way!!!! The Distillery was an interesting experience. Lisa and I couldn't stop laughing at the irony of the whole tour. Example no 1: there was a ride that explained the history of whisky in Scotland. The ride was soooo slow that Nana with her walking frame could have clocked three laps and still beaten us. The tour guides words as we parted: "No speeding please" Just don't get me started with the "dodgy" ghost. Waay funny in ways that it most certaintly wasn't meant to be.
Went to the Palace at the same time. That was interesting, especially since it is still a working castle (ohhhh could go soooo many places there!!). Mazza Mu I will be sending my photo's home soon so, you can show them to everyone if you like. The train ride home seemed to take FOREVER!!!!! We boarded at 3:40 and got into London at 11:00pm!!! Turns out a train had fallen on the tracks and we had to swap trains. Towards the end all I wanted to do was go home and crash in my bed.
Going to be pretty busy over the next few weeks. I am doing a lot of day trips. This Sunday I am going to Staford Upon Avon, then the next weekend it is Warrick Castle and off to Dover and Canterbury. I have this map near my bed and I am colouring it in as I go. I am plsd to say that there is a lot of pretty colours (told you dad that the high lighters would come in handy!!!) of places that I have been.
I hope all is well with everyone. Don't forget about me and drop me an email from time to time. Sniff - was beginning to think that people had forgotten me!!!
PS. Any incorrect spelling and phrasing of the any place that this girl has been is purely the responsibility of gamblegirl because she's a shocking speller and can't remember any kind of names and she hasn't consulted any kind of information that might even slightly mean that she might be even vaguely correct but you get the drift of what I am saying.
Love and kisses from your neighbourhood freak!!!!
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