Well hidey-ho my fellow english people! hehe sorry, felling slighty hyper at the moment! Dont worry mum...havnt been hitting the booze!
Golly talk about little Miss Independant over here. Im feeling very proud of myself, as Ive been taking myself off out and about round Melbourne, driving a huge 4 litre jeep, and catching trains and trams, and being an all round tourist with my camera fixed around my neck!! hehe!! Some bloke asked me if i was a photographer....i was like yehhhh! hahaha jokes - comic moment!
Last thursday went into Melbourne with David, and i finalised all the details of my trip away on next week. So ill be at Ayres Rock for 3 nights, Cairns for 4 nights, and then Brisbane for 4 nights. And, im not slumming it, oh no!! Im staying in hotels with...wait for it...swimming pools lol!! just a bit of a step up from the hostels i thought i would be staying in! So im very excited bout going away now. And ive changed my return date home (sorry everyone im be home sooner than planned-make the most of the next 3 weeks without me!) so ill be arriving home at 1.30pm on 28th March, Terminal 4 Heathrow Airport....i expect you all there with the flags and balloons out haha! It was just easier to come home then as when i booked my return date things were still a bit up in the air and i hadnt really thought about it. But my uncle leaves to go to Japan on the 28th March, so I would be pretty much kinda stranded up here on my own for 11 days, as gettin the train to Melbourne everyday would cost lots, and i cant afford to stay actually in Melbourne. Ill have done everything i wanted to do here by then anyway, so id just be twiddling my thumbs for 2 weeks waiting for my flight. So ive changed it!
So anyway, on Saturday i drove to the train station - about 25minute drive - and got the train into Melbourne. Typical though there were rai engineering works on, so we had to get a train, then a bus, then a train again...was all very confusing! But i got there in the end, and spent the day at Melbourne Zoo. And actually saw a wombat haha, think that made my day! Was good fun though, and it was pretty hot.
On Sunday David and I went into the city again and caught a ferry to Williamstown, which is about an hour ferry ride along the river Yarra (which runs through Melbourne) and the town is right at the opening to the Bay, so a very nice setting. It was nice and hot and had a really nice pancake at a Creperie by the sea....dont get too jealous mum, i missed pancake day!!! hehe. When we got back to Melbourne we went to Crown casino again, im glad its always Davids money were throwing away and not mine. I dont seem to hav much luck on the stupid machines. You see if it was me, anything i won i would just take and leave...but David throws it all away again. Ive told him hes mad!!
Yesterday I took myself off into the city...again...and went to the Melbourne Aquarium, which was quite fun, wasnt very big though. But i did find out all about the jellyfish i saw in the bay at St Kilda and thought was a rubber very knowledgeable about it now haha, it was called a Blue Blubber HAHAHA what a stupid name. But there you go.
Anyway the weather is set to be pretty good all week, forecast to be in the low 30oC's all week. And then Ayres Rock next week is about 36!! We're off to Lorne tomorrow which is along the Great Ocean Road (the picture) and apparently the beach there is awesome and great for surfing. Ill be sure to keep my eyes peeled for my blonde, beautiful bodied surfer!!!
Hehe, anyway the sun is calling, so i suppose id best go sunbathe again....what a hard life i lead at the moment :D hehe love it!
See you all soon
Lots of Love xxxxx
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