Hello Everybody, from Outback Australia!!
Wow, Ayres Rock (or Uluru as its really called) is awesome!! In a way its wierd to think how amazing just a big rock can really be!!! I arrived here Monday 10th March, to 40oC heat and was amazed to actually see trees. Dont get me wrong, theres not as many as in Melbourne, but I didnt expect to see anything but red sand, a kangaroo or two and a big rock, let alone greenery. Turns out some plants are able to grow here as theres a water table right under the rock.
On my first evening here i did a sunset tour, so went to the sunset viewing area and waited for the sun to set. They suggest you take a photo every 4 minutes as the rock changes colour gradually, so you dont necessarily notice it straight away. Was pretty impressive though, even though we didnt get the bright pink sky like you see in all the postcards. Very surreal though!
The next morning i was up at 4am for the sunrise tour. We set off in the dark, and before long the first rays of light lay themselves upon the rock. There was a really wierd feeling in the air, it seems silly but a few people said it. Kind of spiritual in a way and you didnt feel as if you should be allowed to talk. Before i came here id heard that you get a bizarre feeling, thats indescribable until your there...and its true. You feel very insignificant. I suppose its partly because you know how sacred it is to the Aboriginees. After sunrise my tour headed to the base of the rock, near where you can climb it. Climbing the rock is discouraged by the Aboriginals, and the climb is only open about 100 days a year if that as lots of weather conditions prevent it being opened. Instead i walked some of the way around the base and then took a coach tour around the rest and took a short walk a waterhole where the Aboriginals used to hunt. Very interesting. Very hot though. In the afternoon (after plastrering myself in suntan lotion and looking sexy in a hat) i got on a tour that visited Kata-Tjuta (The Olgas). Basically its like Ayres Rock, but instead of being one huge rock, its made up of 36domes. Really impressive to see. I did an hours walk into one of the gorges with no shade at all in 40 degree heat!! Ive never been so hot in my life, or sweated quite as!!! Everyone looked half dead by the time we got back to the Air Conditioned bus. AC is my new best friend!!! Then headed off to the Ayres Rock sunset area for a second sunset, and on the way drove past a wild camel...fab! Earlier in the day id also seen my 1st wild snake and lizard!! I never even thought Australia had Camels!
On my last full day, id booked a Harley Davidson motorbike ride around the base of the rock...biker chick me haha! And its official, that morning i met my future husband!! Tall, blonde, tanned and a biker (almost as good as a surfer). Steve - i think that was his name, was too busy staring at him to hear what he was saying!! - was my Harley Driver. Waht a shame i had to spend the next hour with him!! And people you say Im a flirt...Ill have you all know he was the one flirting with me!! But hottie driver aside, was so much fun, crusing along at 120 km/h!! Shame about the helmet hair afterwards. But apparently i "looked great" anyway HAHA!! I will savour that hour for the rest of my life, until we meet again and get married that is!!
Ayres Rock.....awesome!!!!
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