Miss Independent???? haha!!!, lol so anyway, was just looking through my emails and found this link, don't worry i'd say im upto date just about with all your little adventures, sounds like your having an awesome time, im very jealous, so keep it up!!! xxx
Susan And Desmond
Hi Miss Independent, impressed you drove the jeep. I was only allowed to drive the old Audi! Enjoy your adventures in the outback and on the reef. Looking forward to seeing the photos. Mum and Dad sent two lovely presents for Tabitha and Felicity Eve yesterday. Hopefully you can all come and meet the new edition to the family!
hellooo!!! not long til ur home!! well it actually feels like forever away but ive been rounding down! laughed alot at the little bit about looking for a boy lol if u cud jus bring home about ten then that shud b ok! ur going to depress me with ur tan arent u!! :( glad ur having a good time!! i never rel no wat time it is wen i text u .. had a bit of a dumb moment in bmouth wen trying to work it out so have given up trying to work it out lol love u lots and lots xxxxxxxx
heeey frazzel pop still having a wonderous time it seems! just got up to date on your blogs while waiting in us airport lol messaging from my slightly shorter hol lol! go u adventure child woop and those money spiders will be nothing but a speck of dust by the sounds of it when ur back haha! sounds fab wish i was there! keep up the fun fun fun lol missss yaa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxloveX
so wait .... did you actually walk on the railing things that make the arch of the bridge?? golly i would be well scared! lol
woop cant wait to see you.
i have to come back to pompey on the 30th march so you have a full one and half day of me so i will not be leaving your side lol, tough poop!
love you lots xxxx
heeey frao! still very jealous of reading about ur exciting travels! looking forward to seeing all the pictures! lots of love xxxxx
heyyy!! im so jealous of u!!! glad ur having a good time! miss u loooooads!!! u dnt no how lonely were getting bk here!! i've just been to see ashton though and heard the good news about ur return dat! woo!! and im hoping ur not going to spend too much money shopping as u need to be able to come on holiday with us!! think the twins are def coming too!! we went to nandos and waited like an hour atleast for a table!! it just wasnt the same without u tho!! :( v proud of u walking under the spider!! i think id have just stayed in my room! take care of urself cant wait to see u!! love u lots and lots xxxxxxxxx
sounds like you are having an awesome time my lovely!! missing you lots! when are you off to the north?? xxxxxx
Charles And Sue
Whoops! Of course I meant Hi Frances, I blame old age and wanting to be where you are!! love always C & S xx
Charles And Sue
Hi Laura, Good to hear you are having a great time. I bet David was even more excited than you about being on the footplate of Puffing Billy!! The Blue Mountains near Sydney are spectacular if you get the chance with incredible viewpoints and great place names like Megalongaroad. enjoy! with love C & S xx
OMG that cake sounds AMAZING!!!!! Post me a bit back! You didn't try and jump on the jellyfish like in Finding Nemo did you!? Just keep swimming! Hahaha! Mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ahhhh wow again sounds awesome haha frao u no me too well i was actually giggling then u sed kerry stop laughing haha! love it! i cant believe u did an actuall WOOPWOOP on a train i mean mine are as good as it gets hehe but an actual train one WOW! jelly fish and blue kitchen glove...easy mistake!!! hehe! sounds wonderous ur making me jelous sat here in my stuffy office! miss u loads my sunkissed friendy poo looooveee uxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxX