Well Hidey-Hi everyone!
Its been an awesome week, as David and I went upto Sydney last thursday and got back Tuesday night. We drove up along the coastal roads and did 2 overnight stops - one at a place called Lakes Entrance(still in the state of Victoria) and one in Merimbula which is just in New South Wales. Problem with the motel in Merimbula get to our room we had to walk underneath some brickwork, whick conveniently (or not!!!) was home to a huntsman spider!!! So everytime we wanted to go in or out of the room, woopy I had to walk under the most mahusive spider ever - about the size of a hand!!!!! Talk about rubbing it in!
So on saturday morning we got up megaly early (6am) and left the motel for Sydney. We got to our 4 Star very posh hotel at bout lunchtime. Our hotel was amazing, and walking distance from all the main attractions, right in the heart of the Sydney. Our bathroom even had double wow!!
In the afternoon we headed out into the city. It was pretty warm and sunny and we walked accross the harbour bridge at road level, and i took sooooo many photos so i can bore everyone when i get home. We then went for dinner in Darling Harbor which was just a short walk away.
Then on sunday, the weather was amzing, clear blue sky, hot and sunny. The Queen Victoria ship was docked in Sydney Harbour, and the QE2 ship arrived on sunday too. SO pretty impressive sight. We walked round to the Sydney Opera house and throught the botanical gardens. In the afternoon i booked to walk over the top of the harbour bridge...i couldnt have chosen a better day. David didnt do it so off i trotted on my own. It was absolutely awesome!!! You get kitted out in all-in-one climb suits, with radios and headsets and a small harness. I was in a group of 8, most people were in couples. It was fab though and our guide Krissy was a uni student and she was really nice so we had a good chat! If you look on the Harbour Bridge photo above i reached those flags at the top! Would defo do it again and was well woth the money. Awesome!!
Then on Monday it was a bit cloudy and overcast but we'd already decided to go to Bondi Beach woo. We got there and was still quite cloudy but was so much fun and i played in the sea! Pretty big waves too....had to keep hold of my bikini as the waves were pretty determined on helping me to embarrass myself! The sun eventually came out and was very good. In the evening we went on a dinner curise on the Harbour which was lovely....had a really nice vanilla trifle pudding thing (have to talk about the important things eh!!) and got a free glass of champagne. Hell yeah we were living the life!
Buuuut, me and David both got sunburnt, not so great. Think before i go in the sun again im guna buy factor 100+ suntan lotion, no joke - the sun is so hot here. And my face is peeling...mega attractive haha.
On tuesday we left Sydney and drove the inland way home, took us 11 hours with only one stop! Duno how David could drive so far and not stop! Saw some wild Kangaroos though so that got me all excited!
Had a lazy day yesterday and went to Tina and Alans house (friends of David) and Tinas 19ys old niece was there too so that was quite good - shes deaf but can hear very slightly and lip read, her speech is weel good though so she was telling me all about deaf clubs and stuff, pretty cool, didnt realise there were such things!
Off into the city today to go shopping and book flights to Brisbane after Cairns.
Hope everyone is well, and i havnt bored you all to death with my essay here!
Lots of love xxxxx
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