Last day in Rome. We just went around looking for clothing and found nothing to buy. We did see a nice comedic performance by a party of streetvendors who we selling counterfeit Gucci bags near a church. They were constantly on their toes and with cellphones on the ready, so we thought of course that something fishy was going on. In the end, they were just on the lookout for the police. As soon as one of their friends phoned them the cops were on their way, our black friends scadoodled out of there FAST. They practically laid their merchandise inside a satchet, packed up and left in a manner of practised efficiency. The whole process took 20 seconds. Not much later the police came with their car to have a look, but our heroes were already gone. As soon as the car was gone, the businessmen were back in business, setting up their merchandise in less than half a minute. What a world! After having a few bananas in the most inappropriate place, we took the liberty of buying some foodstuff to stuff ourselves full until we could manage to collect enough energy to go look for a last place to eat before heading out to Naples. We found it, the food was alright, but a bit expensive. Seems to be a theme in this city.
While looking for new pants for yours truly we also ran into a small Trattoria (a family-maintained restaurant) where we had a plate of Caprese. Good stuff, just tomatos and mozzarella in some olive oil and herbs. Sometimes the simplest things are the best. If you haven't had fun with my possible typing errors then you'll know what I mean the next time you actually manage to see a good movie on TV or have a beer after a scorching sauna session. It's the little things that make it worth your while to get up in the morning. Or your bladder. Man, shouldn't have had that second beer >.<
Footloose tired and happy, over and out.
Tänään ostettiin junaliput napoliin, sinne sitten huomenna! Rooma oli ihana kokemus, mutta toivottavasti napolinlahdelta löytyy enemmän italialaisia ja vähemmän turisteja. Jotenkin kaipaan myös luontoa ympärille, tämmönen suomalainen kun olen :D Käytiin kävelemässä shoppailukaduilla ja syötiin banaaneja kirkon portailla. Naureskeltiin poliisia pakoileville katukauppiaille. Käytiin juomassa iltapäivä viinit ja syömässä capresea (tomaatti ja mozzarella (ihana yhdistelmä) viipaleita maustettuna oliiviöljyllä, balsamiviinietikalla ja yrteillä, nam). Löydettiin pieni rafla jonka pitäjä ei osannut englantia, mikä oli siis hyvä merkki. Hän selitti italiaksi ettei kokki ole paikalla ja ruoka-annoksia ei saa tilattua. Onneksi ymmärrettiin käsimerkkien kera. Sympaattinen mies ja ihana ilmapiiri. Pakattiin rinkat lähtökuntoon ja huomenna vaihdetaan maisemaa!
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