Saw the Colosseum and some ruins today. Walked for 8 hours. Stood in line for 40 minuted while waiting to get to the ticket office in the Colosseum. I swear, the weight of my clothes must have tripled from all the perspiration. If you think that's bad, you should see the other guy (the fat brit who had the audacity to show up in too small a shirt and trousers that were probably designed to house a family of four). No offense, but when you're dealing with heat levels as high as these, use some bloody deodorant. Your smell almost knocked out half of the coloseums tourists. Apart from that, it was a great place, with amazing history that really opens your eyes to the fact that they knew how to entertain people back then (they built a giant wooden whale on the stage which, when it's mouth opened, let out 50 bears out of its gullet). Extravagant.
Footloose amazed and dazed (from an odour most foul), now I think it's time to scowl. Over and out!
Ylös ulos ja lenkille, tuli taas käveltyä joku 8 tuntia, sama kun eilen. Muinainen rooma ja colosseum käytiin katsastamassa. Mentiin myös tönkemään kätemme bocca della veritan suuhun ja otettiin muistoksi kuvat. Colosseumiin kesti jonottaa vaivaiset 40min tai jotain. Aurinko porotti niskaan koko päivän, +35-38 astetta on tainnu olla molempina päivinä ja samanlaisena jatkuu. Ihanaa! Käytiin tuttujen suosittelemassa paikassa syömässä ja ruoka oli nappiin! Jorin pasta amatriciana oli parasta ikinä ja itse ottamani raviolit pinaattitäytteellä oli nannaa! Illalla haettiin pullo viiniä kaupasta ja rentouduttiin.
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