Holy guacamoley! Naples! I thought Rome was fine but sheesh, it's time I got a new pair of brains. Naples was everything Rome wasn't, filled with italians and not with tourists. Don't get me wrong, for any sort of historical sight seeing, Rome is your place, but if you actually want to experience a large italian city with great food and genuine italians, this is the place. WE started the day off with leaving Rome behind, and taking a Regionale train to Naples. The whole train trip took 2 and half hours, and cost a measly 10,5 euros. Being a person who's used to getting robbed by the goverment of Finland whenever having to pay to use one of their trains, Italy was a positive suprise. Not only is it cheap, but it's relatively fast considering the price. There were faster and more luxurious options available, but then if we had used those we wouldn't have seen the local color having a blast in our tram (apparently, they were 2 separate parties that were on their way to the same wedding, coincidentally). Imagine that!
Right, Naples. Great, great food. 6 euros for a pizza that could feed even a larger mammal. Or one hungry footloose blogwriter. If I had a walking stick I could have used the pizza to set up a tent on the restaurant courtyard. After eating it I certainly felt like someone had set up theirs inside my stomach. Anyway, apart from the food, the room we're currently residing in is a dream come true, you can see the pictures on facebook (they don't do it justice, however). There's a panoramic view from our room to the best part of Naples, opening up like a flower in bloom. Well, maybe a tad rotten and weary flower, but hey, Naples' buildings are much older than Rome's counterparts. Since it's so great I think we'll spend the rest of the day hiding in our comfortable room like a pair of cavemen hiding from the rain. Accompanied, of course, by a bottle of premium WINE!
My ass hurts for sitting too long typing this, so over and out.
Tänään vaihdettiin maisemaa Roomasta Napoliin. Otettiin paikallinen juna (10,50e) ja vaunussa oli tunnelmaa. Neljän hengen porukka oli menossa häihin ja oli kiva kuunnella juttuja ja jutella osa matkaa heidän kanssaan. Napolin juna-asemalta otettiin metro ja sen jälkeen funiculare eli isompi hissi ylös rinnettä. Sieltä löytyi meidän b&b, joka oli paljon enemmän kun toivottiin. Huone on kahdessa kerroksessa, panoramic view ja jaettu keittiö (tosin ekana yönä ollaan yksin), wifi ja afrikkalaishenkinen sisustus. Andrea (hotellin pitäjä) on mukavin ikinä. Kertoi Napolista parhaat paikat syödä, viinisuositukset ja paikat joissa käydä. Napoli on selvästi hänen intohimonsa. Kun päästiin aloilleen otettiin suihku ja jatkettiin matkaa syömään. Kiivettiin portaita yyyylös koska sniiduiltiin eikä otettu funicularia ja löydettiin Andrean ohjeiden avulla ihana italialainen pizzeria jossa ei ymmärretty englantia ollenkaan. Pizzat oli jotain ihan muuta kun suomessa ollaan totuttu syömään, tai sen puoleen roomassakaan. Täällä ne on tuplakokoa siitä mitä suomessa ja maku on niiiin parempi!! Löydettiin viimeinkin se italialainen pizza ja se löytyy vain ja ainostaan Napolista! Tultiin takaisin kämppään kaupan kautta ja nähtiin upea näköala öisestä Napolista, buonanotte!
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