Right so we went to conquer the Vatican today. As you might have it, there were millions of tourists cramped to each squaremeter there, so moving anywhere was but a dream. Like that wasn't enough it was hot, everything costs money, you have to wait in line for everything (EVERYTHING!) and people have no respect for the sacred locales. Nothing. I mean for heaven's sake, there are mammoth-sized boards telling you NOT to use flash photography and to DRESS PROPERLY instead of looking like you're going out to town to w**** yourself. Not only that, but people have the most trouble with keeping quiet! You don't go to church and make as much noise as you can so why the !#¤& do you have to come to the St. Peter's Basilica to do so??? These are hoyl places after all, so you'd think people would have some goddamn respect but no, they do as they please, thinking these monuments were practically raised for their entertainment. All tourists are like this (but not us, we know where we are) but the russians are the worst. Don't get me started on those. The day wasn't a complete disaster, we were able to enjoy ourselves when we weren't being mentally disintegrated by the stupidity of the common tourist homo sapiens. We saw many a great things, including the town of Rome from tens of meters height, from the top of a dome I can't remember the name of. After standing in queue for 40 minutes they had a tiny poster that in a friendly manner informed you that you had to pay 5 euros to climb 551 stairs to experience this. Thanks a lot guys, how about next time letting us know that BEFORE we get in a line that stretches from one end of the world to the other?
After that, the museum, which included (among many other things) the Sistine Chapel. Yap, that Michelangelo guy sure could paint. Too bad people were too trigger happy to practise flash photography and monkey-like audistic behaviour even here. That didn't luckily prevent us from enjoying ourselves. The museum was so big and so full of artifacts it would take days to see them all, as well as write about just the few rooms we managed to visit. Go see it yourselves, I'm sure you have nothing better to do. Work? Pfft. Don't be like that, ancient/renaissance-era Rome is much more fascinating.
All in all, a great day, but we simply cannot understand the lack of respect people have for these works of art. Hopefully the people high up have noticed this problem, and are willing to do something about it.
For Footloose, wine and beer, then over and out
21.8: Spanish steps, trevi fountain, piazza navona ja ties mitä kaikkea! Osa päivänvalossa ja osa illalla valaistuna. Capitolini museo tutkittiin myös. Mahtavaa jäätelöä, suosittelen stracciatellaa. Eivät turhaan sano italialaisen jäätelön olevan yksiä maailman parhaista. Juotiin myös elämämme parhaimmat kahvit!! Kiitos lonely planetin suosituksen. En voi hehkuttaa sitä kahvia tarpeeksi, mulla oli cappuccino ja jorilla joku ihana tummasuklaa-espressomainen juoma. Tekemistä riittää!
22.8: Paavia tapaamassa oltiin, koko päivä meni. Mentiin metrolla, maksaa 1€ 75min lippu kaikkiin metroihin ja busseihin. Vatikaanin museot, ihanimpana kaikista sistuksen kappeli, oli upea kokemus. Kiivettiin kupolin huipulle 551 porrasta matkaa, mutkitteli niin että välillä oltiin vaakasuorassa ja ahtaita kohtia oli paljon. En suosittele huonokuntoisille, ahtaanpaikankammosta kärsiville tai muuten vaan heikkohermoisille. Mutta näköala oli upea! Myös basilica ja paavien haudat oli upeita. Jonottaa taas sai, mutta paljon vähemmän kun aluksi luulin. Siinähän se päivä meni, illalla käytiin raflassa ja nautittiin italian lämpimästä illasta.
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